Special Year 2023-24: p-adic Arithmetic Geometry - Seminar

Special Year Seminar

November 01, 2023 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

I will discuss the following conjecture: an irreducible $\bar{Q}$$_{\ell}$-local system L on a smooth complex algebraic variety S arises in cohomology of a family of varieties over S if and only if L can be extended to an etale local system over...

Special Year Seminar

October 25, 2023 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

This talk will introduce background, achievements and challenges in the quest to find non-Archimedean versions of the celebrated Corlette-Simpson correspondence, which on Kähler manifolds relates representations of the fundamental group to certain...

Special Year Seminar

October 18, 2023 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Multiplier ideals in characteristic zero and test ideals in positive characteristic are fundamental objects in the study of commutative algebra and birational geometry in equal characteristic.  We introduced a mixed characteristic version of the...

Special Year Seminar

October 11, 2023 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

With every bounded prism Bhatt and Scholze associated a cohomology theory of formal p-adic schemes. The prismatic cohomology comes equipped with the Nygaard filtration and the Frobenius endomorphism. The Bhatt-Scholze construction has been advanced...

Special Year Seminar

September 21, 2023 | 10:00am - 12:00pm

This is the organizational meeting for a learning seminar during the fall term on topics related to non-abelian p-adic Hodge theory.