Special Year 2018-19: Variational Methods in Geometry

Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

November 05, 2018 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Abstract: The Clifford torus is the simplest nontotally geodesic minimal surface in S^3. It is a product surface, it is helicoidal, and it is a solution obtained by separation of variables. We will show that there are more minimal submanifolds with...

Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

November 05, 2018 | 11:30am - 12:30pm

Abstract: The Allen-Cahn equation behaves as a desingularization of the area functional. This allows for a PDE approach to the construction of minimal hypersurfaces in closed Riemannian manifolds. After presenting and overview of the subject, I will...

Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

November 05, 2018 | 10:00am - 11:00am

Abstract: This will be an overview of spacetime aspects of mean curvature includingtrapped surfaces, marginally outer trapped surfaces, and the role that they playin the spacetime positive energy theorem and Penrose inequality. We willsurvey the...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 30, 2018 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm

In this talk we will survey recent progress on the Beresticky-Caffarelli-Nirenberg Conjecture in Space Forms; that is, let $\Omega$ be an open connected domain of a complete connected Riemannian manifold ($M,g$) and consider the OEP given by

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 30, 2018 | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Preliminary I will expose a technique developed with T. Rivi\`{e}re to prove energy identities (weak compactness) for sequences of solutions of any conformally invariant problem of second order in dimension 2, see [1]. Then after introducing some...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 23, 2018 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm

In the early 80’s, Yau conjectured that in any closed 3-manifold there should be infinitely many minimal surfaces. I will review previous contributions to the question and present a proof of the conjecture, which builds on min-max methods developed...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 09, 2018 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm

We'll describe a joint project with X. Zhou in which we use min-max techniques to prove existence of closed hypersurfaces with prescribed mean curvature in closed Riemannian manifolds. Our min-max theory handles the case of nonzero constant mean...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 09, 2018 | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Following a program proposed by Gromov, we study metric singularities of positive scalar curvature of codimension two and three. In addition, we describe a comparison theorem for positive scalar curvature that is captured by polyhedra. Part of this...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 02, 2018 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm

In the 80s Pitts-Rubinstein conjectured that certain kinds of Heegaard surfaces in three-manifolds can be isotoped to index 1 minimal surfaces. I’ll describe in detail a proof of their conjecture and some applications. This is joint work with...

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar

October 02, 2018 | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

We consider the classical problem of prescribing the scalar curvature of a manifold via conformal deformation of the metric, dating back to works by Kazdan and Warner. This problem is mainly understood in low dimensions, where blow-ups of solutions...