In the talk, we will discuss how to relate scattering diagram
with quiver representations. Then we can see how the broken lines
give a stratification of quiver Grassmannian. At the end, we will
briefly discuss how we can fry to compute the structure...
Consider the Fukaya A8 algebra $E$ of $RP^{2m}$ in $CP^{2m}$
(with bulk and equivariant deformations, over the Novikov ring). On
the one hand, elementary algebraic considerations show that E admis
a rigid cyclic minimal model, whose structure...
I will discuss Lipshitz and Sarkar's space level refinement of
Khovanov homology. Their approach is combinatorial in nature and is
inspired by Cohen-Segal-Jones' construction for Floer homology.
I will describe the non-homological (i.e. enumerative) aspect of
mirror symmetry for a particular toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold, the total
space of the canonical bundle over $\mathbb P^2$. In this case,
there is a simpler B-model on its mirror curve which...
The wrapped Fukaya category of an algebraic hypersurface $H$ in
$(C*)^n$ is conjecturally related via homological mirror symmetry
to the derived category of singularities of a toric Calabi-Yau
manifold $X$, whose moment polytope is determined by the...
Homological mirror symmetry postulates a derived equivalence
between the wrapped Fukaya category of an exact symplectic manifold
and a category of coherent sheaves or matrix factorizations on a
mirror space. This talk will provide an introduction to...