Special Year 2015-16: Workshop on Flows, Foliations and Contact Structures

I will discuss a Smith-type inequality for regular covering spaces in monopole Floer homology. Using the monopole Floer / Heegaard Floer correspondence, it follows that if a 3-manifold Y admits a p^n-sheeted regular cover that is a Z/p-L-space (for...
The modern development of contact geometry in 3 dimensions has seen several (due to Giroux, Wendl, Latschev and Wendl, Hutchings, and others) invariants of contact structures meant in some sense to measure non-(Stein /symplectic)-fillability of the...
A bold conjecture of Boyer-Gorden-Watson and others posit that for any irreducible rational homology 3-sphere M the following three conditions are equivalent: (1) the fundamental group of M is left-orderable, (2) M has non-minimal Heegaard Floer...