Special Year 2013-14: Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 11, 2013 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

In several naturally occurring (infinite) point processes, we show that the number (and other statistical properties) of the points inside a finite domain are determined, almost surely, by the point configuration outside the domain. This curious...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 10, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

I will describe the general ideas behind exponential asymptotic methods, their recent developments, and a number of open problems that were solved in the last few years using them, such as the behavior of Hydrogen atoms in time periodic fields and...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 10, 2013 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

After a short introduction to some ideas on quantum probability theory I discuss the roles played by loss of information and entanglement in the emergence of facts in quantum-mechanical experiments and observations. Besides explaining why...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 05, 2013 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

We discuss two random decreasing sequences of continuous functions in two variables, and how they arise as the scaling limit from corners of a (real / complex) Wigner matrix undergoing stochastic evolution. The restriction of the second one to...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 04, 2013 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

We construct a \(\mathrm{KPZ}_t\) line ensemble -- a natural number indexed collection of random continuous curves which satisfies a resampling invariance called the H-Brownian Gibbs property (with \(H(x)=e^x\)) and whose lowest indexed curve is...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

December 03, 2013 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Inspired by recent work of Alberts, Khanin and Quastel, we formulate general conditions ensuring that a sequence of multi-linear polynomials of independent random variables (called polynomial chaos expansions) converges to a limiting random variable...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

November 26, 2013 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

I will discuss the proof by Yang Kang and myself of diffusion for the Markov Anderson model, in which the potential is allowed to fluctuate in time as a Markov process. However, I want to highlight the method of the proof more than the result itself...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

November 21, 2013 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm

We consider a system of harmonic oscillators with stochastic perturbations of the dynamics that conserve energy and momentum. In the one dimensional unpinned case, under proper space-time rescaling, Wigner distribution of energy converges to the...

Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices

November 21, 2013 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Based on joint work with A. Guionnet (MIT). The beta ensemble is a particular model consisting of N strongly correlated real random variables. For specific values of beta, it is be realized by the eigenvalues of a random hermitian matrix whose...