Special Year 2010-11: Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms

Given a cuspidal automorphic representation of GL(n) which is regular algebraic and conjugate self-dual, one can associate to it a Galois representation. This Galois representation is known in most cases to be compatible with local Langlands. When n...

To a regular algebraic cuspidal representation of GL(2) over a quadratic imaginary field, whose central character is conjugation invariant, Taylor et al. associated a two dimensional Galois representation which is unramified at l different from p...

In this talk, I will explain my joint work with Junecue Suh on when and why the cohomology of Shimura varieties (with nontrivial integral coefficients) has no torsion, based on certain new vanishing theorems we have proved. (All conditions involved...

The theory of (\varphi, \Gamma)-modules, which was introduced by Fontaine in the early 90's, classifies local Galois representations into modules over certain power series rings carrying certain extra structures (\varphi and \Gamma). In a recent...