Special Year 2005-06: Lie Groups, Representations and Discrete Mathematics

I will discuss a proof of the fact that given a finite dimensional division algebra D over an arbitrary field, any finite quotient of the multiplicative group D^* is solvable (joint work with Y.Segev and G.Seitz). Time permitting, I will also talk...

We will show how self-similar groups H(k) generated by finite automata can be related to Hanoi Tower games on k=3,4,... pegs. Then we will consider the spectrum of a Schreier graph of Hanoi Group H(3), will show that the group is of branch type, and...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

December 02, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

Ideal classes in (totally real) number fields give naturally rise to compact orbits inside SL(n,Z)\SL(n,R) for the diagonal subgroup. We will discuss their (equi-)distribution properties as the field varies, and the two main ideas in our approach...

For a discrete group G and a finite subset X of G, let K(G, X) denote the Kazhdan constant of G associated to X. We define the uniform Kazhdan constant of G by K(G) = min { K(G,X) | X is finite and generates G }. Obviously K(G)>0 for any finite...

The talk will be introductory. We will first explain what Kac-Moody groups are. These groups are defined by generators and relations, but they are better understood via their actions on buildings. The involved class of buildings is interesting since...