Postdoctoral Short Talks 2009-10

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

September 24, 2009 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

I will talk about families of plane curves, and more generally projective hypersurfaces, of given degree having one isolated singularity of prescribed analytic type. We will see an example of such family and discuss its geometry.

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

September 24, 2009 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

A rigid matrix is a matrix that cannot be represented as the sum of a low rank matrix and a sparse matrix. Constructing explicit rigid matrices (for certain parameters of rank and sparsity) is a long standing open problem with applications to...

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

September 22, 2009 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

I will give an overview on the recent developments on the Beurling-Selberg problem of majorization by entire functions of exponential type, in joint works with J.D. Vaaler (Texas) and F. Littmann (North Dakota State). These provide new applications...

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

September 22, 2009 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

A contact structure is a geometric structure on a 3-manifold (in general, on a 2n+1 manifold) which arises naturally when studying symplectic 4-manifolds. In this talk, I'll describe an important correspondence between contact structures and open...

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

September 22, 2009 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Abstract: The first zeros Riemann Zeta function occur at approximately 1/2 +- 14.13i. In 1999 Steven D. Miller showed that among all L-functions of a certain type, the Riemann Zeta function has the largest such gap around zero. I'll discuss how to...