
You can create a keyboard shortcut to show your desktop. In the upper right-hand corner, click on your username, then select the System Settings icon (looks like tools). Then Click on Keyboard. On the left-hand side, select Navigation, then on the...
Text Editor Create your tex file using a text editor (vi, emacs, gedit). Then you use the latex command to tex the file. latex file.tex Use xdvi to view the file. xdvi file.dvi To print the dvi: dvips -Pf4 file.dvi To convert the dvi to...

At the command line, type:


You will be asked what you want your new shell to be:

New shell:[/bin/bash] Type, /bin/csh, then enter

You will be then asked for your password.

Changing shell for help Enter LDAP Password:

If your...

Sometimes, after a power outage, the workstations lose connectivity to the network. This prevents the machine from communicating with the authentication server as well as the central file server which housing home directories. Rebooting or...