Code of Conduct

The Women+ and Mathematics program aims to offer a rewarding, challenging, supportive, and fun experience to every participant, and we encourage participants to take an active, patient, and generous role both in their own learning and that of others.
Please review this linked document, which describes the Code of Conduct regarding sexual and other forms of harassment for all events at IAS, including W+AM. In addition, the following code of conduct applies to in-person and virtual W+AM events and all workshop-related interactions and communication.
W+AM is committed to creating a professional and welcoming environment that benefits from the diversity of experiences of all its participants. We aim to offer equal opportunity and treatment to every participant regardless of gender identity, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other factor, and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Since behavior or language that is welcome or acceptable to one person may be unwelcome or offensive to another, we ask participants to use extra care to ensure that your words and actions communicate respect for others. This is especially important for those in positions of authority or power, since individuals with less power have many reasons to fear expressing their objections regarding unwelcome behavior.
Working in groups can be a rewarding but intense experience. We expect participants to adhere to the standards of academic conduct and respect other participants’ contributions in the learning environment. We ask that you respect other participants’ personal choices, mathematical background, and communication style.
If a participant engages in discriminatory, harassing, aggressive, or inappropriate behavior, W+AM organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, from warning the offender to immediately expelling them from the event. If you are being harassed, you feel uncomfortable with the way you are being treated, or you have any other concerns, please contact the organizers immediately. If you prefer not to speak in person, you can e-mail All reports will be handled in the strictest confidentiality.