Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory
Sponsored by Dr. John P. Hempel
Organizers: Mariusz Lemanczyk (IAS), Maksym Radziwill (Caltech), Tamar Ziegler (IAS)
Confirmed Speakers:
Teresa Anderson (Carnegie Mellon)
Vitaly Bergerlson (IAS)
Valentin Blomer (Universität Bonn)
Thierry De la Rue (LMRS)
Nikos Frantzikinakis (IAS)
Adam Kanigowski (Univ Maryland)
Joanna Kulaga Przymus (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika)
Freddie Manners (IAS)
Mariusz Mirek (IAS)
Joel Moreira (IAS)
Florian Richter (IAS)
Terry Tao (IAS)
Joni Teravainen (IAS)
Hong Wang (UCLA)
Zhiren Wang (IAS)
Monday, February 27 2023
Topic: Hardy-Littlewood and Chowla Type Conjectures in the Presence of a Siegel Zero
Speaker: Terence Tao - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-0
Topic: The Unipotent Mixing Conjecture
Speaker: Valentin Blomer - Universität Bonn
Time/Room: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-1
Topic: On Random Polynomials and Counting Number Fields: Fourier Analysis Meets Arithmetic Statistics
Speaker: Theresa Anderson - Carnegie Mellon University
Time/Room: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-2
Tuesday, February 28 2023
Topic: Arbitrarily Slow Decay in the Mobius Disjointness Conjecture
Speaker: Zhiren Wang - Von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-3
Topic: On a Conjecture of Veech About Möbius Orthogonality
Speaker: Thierry De La Rue - CNRS-Université de Rouen Normandie
Time/Room: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-4
Topic: The Complexity of Multilinear Averages
Speaker: Frederick Manners - Von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-12
Wednesday, March 01 2023
Topic: Thermodynamic Formalism for B-free Dynamical Systems
Speaker: Joana Kulaga Przymus - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
Time/Room: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-6
Topic: Distribution of Orbits at Prime and Semi-prime Times
Speaker: Adam Kanigowski - University of Maryland
Time/Room: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-9
Topic: Projection Theorems and Applications
Speaker: Hong Wang - University of California, Los Angeles
Time/Room: 03:30 PM - 4:30 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-8
Thursday, March 02 2023
Topic: Infinite Sumsets in Sets with Positive Density
Speaker: Joel Moreira - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-7
Topic: Higher Order Sumsets in Sets of Positive Density
Speaker: Florian K Richter - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-10
Topic: Polynomial Progressions in Topological Fields and Their Applications to Pointwise Convergence Problems
Speaker: Mariusz Mirek - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-11
Topic: Gowers Uniformity of Arithmetic Functions in Short Intervals
Speaker: Joni Teravainen - Von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-5
Friday, March 03 2023
Topic: Limit Formulas for Polynomial Ergodic Averages with Commuting Transformations
Speaker: Nikos Frantzikinakis - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-13
Topic: Asymptotic Total Ergodicity and Polynomial Patterns in Finite Fields
Speaker: Vitaly Bergelson - Member, School of Mathematics
Time/Room: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM / Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access
Abstract URL: https://www.ias.edu/math/events/workshop-dynamics-discrete-analysis-and-multiplicative-number-theory-14