Special Year on Arithmetic Geometry, Hodge Theory, and o-minimality
During the 2025-26 academic year the School will have a special program on Arithmetic Geometry, Hodge Theory, and o-minimality. Jacob Tsimerman, University of Toronto will be the Distinguished Visiting Professor.
The purpose of this special year will focus on recent developments in hodge theory and o-minimality and their applications to arithmetic geometry. There has been much progress over the last 15 years in using transcendental uniformization maps to study arithmetic questions (general Shafarevich theorems, results on unlikely intersections, general bounds on rational point counts). It has become increasingly clear that Hodge theory (both classical and p-adic) and the resulting period maps form a natural home for these kinds of investigations to arise. In the other direction, o-minimality has been applied with success to make progress on questions in Hodge theory (Griffiths conjecture, definable period maps), and has recently had its own explosion of results (sharply o-minimal sets, the resolution of Wilkie's conjecture).
The goal of this year will be to bring together researchers in these different fields, with the aim of extending the collaboration between areas, share key insights, and investigate how far existing methods can be pushed.
Senior participants: Gal Binaymini, Ben Bakker, Jonathan Pila and Claire Voisin (STV)