Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

The Distribution of Values of the Riemann Zeta Function and Dirichlet L-functions on the 1-Line

In this talk, we present some new results on the joint distribution function of the argument and the norm of the Riemann zeta function on the 1-line (the edge of the critical strip). Our strategy is to introduce a probabilistic random model for these values. One consequence of our work is the fact that almost all values of \zeta(1+it) with large norm are concentrated near the positive real axis. We also show that the arguments (when suitably normalized) of large values of \zeta(1+it) are normally distributed with mean 0. Similar results are also given for the family L(1,\chi) (as \chi varies over non-principal characters modulo a large prime.

Date & Time

September 29, 2009 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm




Member, School of Mathematics
