Mathematical Conversations

Games, strategies, and computational complexity

The following questions are quite intimately related. Please consider them before the talk. Some have surprising answers which are highly nontrivial theorems in computational complexity.

  • Do you find Tic-Tac-Toe an interesting game? Why?
  • Do you find Chess & Go interesting? Why?
  • Is random play (choosing at random from all possible legal moves) a useful strategy in any interesting game? Can it be optimal?

Now assume that White has a winning strategy in Chess, and that you know it.

  • Would you still enjoy playing?
  • Do you think it is possible to convince a skeptic, beyond a reasonable doubt (and in reasonable time), that you indeed possess such a strategy?

About Mathematical Conversations: We meet in Harry's Bar at 6pm, where free drinks are provided. After 20 minutes, we move to the Dilworth room, where the speaker gives a 20-minute talk, followed by 15 minutes of discussion with the audience. After that we return to the bar for further discussions.

Date & Time

February 12, 2014 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm


Dilworth Room


Herbert H. Maass Professor, School of Mathematics
