Mathematical Conversations

Tangent cones and their uniqueness, maybe a meeting ground for hard analysis and algebraic geometry

In several diverse settings (variational problems and geometric flows, elliptic, parabolic, but also some dispersive PDEs) monotonicity formulas allow to get a first coarse description of singularities, which are commonly called tangent cone. Their existence usually rely on elementary compactness argument which allow to take limits of appropriate rescalings around the singularity. A major challenge is to show that the limit is unique, i.e. independent of the subsequence of rescalings. The problem is widely open even in its prototypical example, i.e. in minimal surface theory. Surprisingly, what is arguably the most beautiful result in the area, a Theorem of Leon Simon, uses a deep fact in real algebraic geometry.

Date & Time

October 13, 2021 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Birch Garden, Simons Hall


IBM von Neumann Professor; School of Mathematics
