Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar

Abelian varieties with maximal Galois action on their torsion points

Abstract: Associated to an abelian variety A/K is a Galois representation which describes the action of the absolute Galois group of K on the torsion points of A. In this talk, we shall describe how large the image of this representation can be (in terms of a number field K and the dimension of A). We achieve this by considering abelian varieties in families and then using a special variant of Hilbert's irreducibility theorem. Some results of Serre on the mod ell Galois image will also be reviewed. (This is joint work with David Zureick-Brown)

Date & Time

January 24, 2013 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm




David Zywina


Queen's University; Member, School of Mathematics

Event Series
