Geometric and Modular Representation Theory Seminar
Hecke category via derived convolution formalism
The talk is about convolution in the setting of geometric representation theory. What are its formal properties? As a starting point, let $G$ be a group and let $D(G)$ be the derived category of constructible sheaves on it. Convolution turns $D(G)$ into a monoidal category, which is rigid (every object is dualizable) if and only if $G$ is proper (this statement is due to Boyarchenko and Drinfeld).
In this talk, I develop the formalism of convolution using the language of derived algebraic geometry, and then apply these techniques to the (spherical) Hecke category and related objects.
Date & Time
December 16, 2020 | 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Remote AccessSpeakers
Dima Arinkin
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Event Series
Seminar website: /math/sp/geometric_modular_reptheory/seminar