Workshop on Analytic Number Theory
Simonyi Hall Seminar Room
The program had an emphasis on analytic aspects, and particular topics that were covered included the distribution of prime numbers, sieves, L functions, special sequences as well as additive and combinatorial methods, exponential sums, spectral analysis and modular forms. The workshop highlighted recent developments connected with the program.
Enrico Bombieri - Institute for Advanced Study and Peter Sarnak - Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University
Participants (including speakers)
Valentin Blomer, University of Toronto
Jean Bourgain, IAS
Pietro Corvaja, University of Udine
Regis De La Breteche, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu
Ben Green, University of Cambridge
Gergely Harcos, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Roger Heath-Brown, University of Oxford
Henryk Iwaniec, Rutgers University
Nick Katz, Princeton University
Xiaoqing Li, IAS / SUNY-Buffalo
Hugh Montgomery, University of Michigan
Peter Sin, University of Florida
John Thompson, University of Florida
Peter Varju, Princeton University
Robert Vaughan, Penn State University
Trevor Wooley, University of Bristol
Agenda - (all talks with take place in Simonyi Hall Seminar Room)
Monday, March 15
11:30 am Henryk Iwaniec, Rutgers Univ, Asymptotic large sieve and the critical zeros
12:30 pm Lunch - Dining Hall
2:30 pm John Thompson, University of Florida, SL(2,Z), Dirichlet series, and gamma^1(15)
3:30 pm Tea break - Fuld Hall Common Room
4:00 pm Gergely Harcos, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, The Burgess bound for twisted Hilbert modular L-functions
Tuesday, March 16
11:30 am Valentin Blomer, Univ Toronto, Subconvexity for twisted L-functions on GL(3)
12:30 pm Lunch - Dining Hall
2:30 pm Ben Green, University of Cambridge, Linear approximate groups
3:30 pm Tea break - Fuld Hall Common Room
4:00 pm Jean Bourgain, IAS, Total eigenfunctions and the distribution of lattice points on spheres
Wednesday, March 17
11:30 am Xiaoqing Li, IAS/SUNY-Buffalo, L-functions for high rank groups
12:30 pm Lunch - Dining Hall
2:30 pm Trevor Wooley, University of Bristol, Rational points and Weyl sums
3:30 pm Tea break - Fuld Hall Common Room
4:00 pm TBA
Thursday, March 18
11:30 am Enrico Bombieri, IAS, Anomalous intersections
12:30 pm Lunch - Dining Hall
2:30 pm Nick Katz, Princeton University, Mysteries around Heilbronn sums
3:30 pm Tea break - Fuld Hall Common Room
4:00 pm Peter Sarnak, IAS, The affine sieve
Friday, March 19
11:30 am Regis de la Breteche, Institut de Mathematique de Jussieu, Methods from analytic number theory to count rational points on Ch^\atelet surfaces
12:30 pm Lunch - Dining Hall
2:30 pm Peter Varju, Princeton University, Expansion in SLd(Z/qZ), q square-free
3:30 pm Tea break - Fuld Hall Common Room
4:00 pm Roger Heath-Brown, University of Oxford, Counting rational points on cubic curves