A Refuge for Scholars


Archival documents and images included in the booklet A Refuge for Scholars : Present Challenges in Historical Perspective

The exhibit, A Scholar's Paradise in the World, is a companion to the Spring 2017 Institute Letter, which features three articles written by the History Working Group: The Institute's Founding Ethos in Our Precarious Present; Einstein, Plumbers, and McCarthyism; and Emmy Noether's Paradise.

Archival sources for A Refuge for Scholars: Present Challenges in Historical Perspective:

  • p. 16, p. 17: Correspondence between John von Neumann and Abraham Flexner. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 34. John von Neumann correspondence, 1933-1935.
  • p. 18: Telegrams from Hermann Weyl to Abraham Flexner. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 37. Hermann Weyl correspondence, 1932-1933.
  • p. 20: Correspondence between Oswald Veblen and Abraham Flexner. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 32. Oswald Veblen correspondence, 1933.
  • p. 21: Photograph of Oswald Veblen, 1936; Photograph of Abraham Flexner, undated.
  • p. 22: Albert Einstein tribute to Emmy Noether. New York Times, May 4, 1935.
  • p. 23: Letter from Oswald Veblen to Abraham Flexner. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 32. Oswald Veblen correspondence, 1934-1935.
  • p. 24: Minutes of the IAS Trustees meeting. From Board of Trustees files, box 1. Minutes, May 22, 1939.
  • p. 24: Letter from the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Scholars to Abraham Flexner. From Director's Office General files, box 70. Wolfgang Windelband file, 1939-1940.
  • p. 25: Abraham Flexner, "The Usefulness of Useless Study." Harpers Magazine, October 1939.
  • p. 26: Correspondence with Frank Aydelotte concerning Ernst Kapp. From Director's Office General files, box 34. Ernst Kapp file, 1939-1941.
  • p. 28: Letter from Kurt Gödel to Frank Aydelotte, 1940. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 13. Kurt Gödel correspondence, 1940.
  • p. 29: Letters from Kurt Gödel and Frank Aydelotte, 1942 and 1943. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 13. Kurt Gödel visa and immigration file, 1939-1946.
  • p. 29: Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service Alien Registration Address Record postcard, undated. From Director's Office General files, box 67. U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service file.
  • p. 30: Photograph of Albert Einstein with refugee children, 1949.
  • p. 31: Photograph of Albert Einstein with refugee children as printed in the Ottawa Evening Journal, March 15, 1949.
  • p. 32: Questionnaire and responses of Albert Einstein, 1954. From Director's Office Faculty files, box 9. Albert Einstein Emergency Civil Liberties Committee file, 1954.
  • p. 36: Letter to Victor M. Perez-Diaz from Albert O. Hirschman, 1975. From Director's Office Visitor and Assistant files, box 3. Victor M. Perez-Diaz file, 1975.
  • p. 36, p. 37: Letter from Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Carl Kaysen, 1975. From Director's Office Member files, box 18. Fernando Henrique Cardoso file, 1975.