Electronic Computer Project

Homepage for all digitized reports and publications - Institute for Advanced Study

List of Reports Issued during the Years 1946 -1957

Not all of these documents will be scanned, they are included here to assist with identification of the publications in this series related to the early computer.

l. Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument, by Burks, Goldstine, and von Neumann. 28 June 1946. *

2. Solution of Linear Systems of High Order -Bargmann, Montgomery, von Neumann. October 1946. *

3. Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument, by Bigelow, Pomerene, Slutz, and Ware. 1 January 1947.

4. Planning and Coding of problems for an Electronic Computing Instrument -Goldstine and von Neumann. Part II, Volume I, 1 April 1947. *

5. Second Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument -Bigelow, Hildebrandt, Pomerene, Snyder, Slutz, and Ware. 1 July 1947.

6. Numerical Inverting of Matrices of High Order. I, -Goldstine and von Neumann. November 1947 (Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 53,11) *

7. Third Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument -Bigelow, Hildebrandt, Pomerene, Rosenberg, Slutz, and Ware. 1 January 1948.

8. Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing Instrument -Goldstine and von Neumann. Part II, Volume II. 15 April 1948. *

9. First Progress Report on a Multi-Channel Magnetic Drum Inner Memory for Use in Electronic Digital Computing Instruments -Bigelow, Panagos, Rubinoff, and Ware. 1 July 1948.

10. Fourth Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument -Bigelow, Hildebrandt, Panagos, Pomerene, Rosenberg, Rubinoff, Slutz, and Ware. 1 July 1948.

11. Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing Instrument -Goldstine and von Neumann. Part II, Volume III. 16 August 1948. *

12. Fifth Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument -Bigelow, Goldstine, Melville, Panagos, Pomerene, Rosenberg, Rubinoff, and Ware. 1 January 1949.

13. Numerical Inverting of Matrices of High Order. II. - Goldstine and von Neumann. April 1951 (Proc, Am. Math. Soc. 2, 2). *

14. Sixth Interim Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument - C. V. L. Smith. September 1951.

15. Final Progress Report on the Physical Realization of an Electronic Computing Instrument. Goldstine, Pomerene, and C. V. L. Smith. January 1954.

16. Final Report on Contract DA-36-034-0RD-1023, by Staff, Electronic Computer Project. April 1954. (Is identical with Report on Contract N-7-ONR-388, T.0. 1, April 1954.)

17. Final Report on Contract DA-36-034-0RD-1330, by Staff, Electronic Computer Project. December 1954.

18. Final Report on Contract No. DA-36-034-ORD-1646 (Part I -Engineering, Part II-Computer Use), by Staff, Electronic Computer Project, December 1956.

19. Final Report on Contract No. Nonr 1358(03), by Hans J. Maehly, 31 July 1957.

20. Final Report on Contract No. Nonr 1358(04), by Hans J. Maehly, 31 August 1957.

Technical Reports

21. Fast Carry Logic for Digital Computers, by B. Gilchrist, J. H. Pomerene and Y. Wong. Tech. Report No. 55-01, July 1955. (reprinted December 1955 by IEEE)

22. Automatic Network Analysis With a Digital Computational System, by M. Kochen and S. Y. Wong. Tech. Report 55-02, August 1955.

23. A Method for Finding the General Solution to an Arbitrary Non-Singular System of Linear Equations Involving n3/2 Multiplications, by J. Paul Roth. Tech. Report 56-01, January 1956.

24. Algebraical Topological Methods for the Synthesis of Switching Circuits in n Variables, by J. Paul Roth. Tech. Report 56-02, April 1956.

25. An Algebraic Topological Approach to Kron's Method I, by J. Paul Roth. Tech. Report No. 56-03, June 1956.

First Interim Progress Report on Rational Approximations, by Hans J. Maehly, Project No. 044-196, dated 23 June 1958-

Items 1-19 and 21-25 in IAS Library * published in v. 5 of von Neumann Collected Works, Macmillan and Co., 1963.

Additional papers of note:

General considerations in the design of an all purpose electronic digital computer.  / Andrew Donald Booth and Kathleen H. V.  Date: 1947

Coding for A.R.C.  / Andrew Donald Booth and Kathleen H. V. Britten. Date: 1947-09