Magda Al-Nowaihi ▲
Columbia University
Arabic Literature
June Allison ●
Ohio State University
Christiane Andersson ▲
Bucknell University
Renaissance Art History
Robert Antliff ●
Duke University
Art History
Martin Aurell ▲
Université de Poitiers
Medieval History
Nikolai Bolkhovitinov
Russian Academy of Sciences
History of International Relations, History of the USA and Russia
Ward Briggs
University of South Carolina
Classical Tradition
Cynthia Brokaw
University of Oregon
Late Imperial Chinese History (Ming and Qing Dynasties)
Kevin Clinton
Cornell University
Greek Epigraphy
Olivia Remie Constable ▲
University of Notre Dame
History of Medieval Near East and Mediterranean World (Visitor first term, Member second term)
Peter Dinzelbacher
University of Stuttgart and University of Vienna
Medieval Studies
Susan Downey ▲
University of California (Los Angeles)
Archaeology, Art History, Classics
Noël Duval ●
La Sorbonne
Christian Art and Archaeology
Theodore Evergates●
Western Maryland College
Medieval History
Mary Louise Gill
University of Pittsburgh
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Richard Grassby
Independent Scholar
Early Modern British History
Jasper Griffin ●
Oxford University
Greek & Latin Literature
Roger Hart
Stanford University
Traditional Chinese History and History of Science
Jane Hathaway ●
Ohio State University
Near Eastern Studies
Julie Hessler
University of Oregon
Soviet History/Twentieth-Century History
David Hollinger ●
University of California
Berkeley, United States History
C. Stephen Jaeger
University of Washington
Medieval German Literature
Christopher Andrew Jones
Ohio State University
Anglo-Saxon Church History
Birgit Krawietz
University of Tübingen
Islamic Law, Islam and Modernity
Bhadriraju Krishnamurti
University of Hyderabad
Historical Linguistics
Helen Lang ●
Trinity College
Ancient Philosophy
John LeDonne
Harvard University
Russian History
Patricia Leighten ●
Duke University
Late 19th- and early 20th Century Art and Politics; Modernism
Christopher Melchert
Institut Français des Etudes Arabes de Damas
Islamic History
Vivian Nutton ●
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
History of Medicine
Steven Pincus
University of Chicago
Early Modern British History
David Porter
University of Michigan
18th Century Literary and Cultural History
Han Qi ●
Chinese Academy of Sciences
History of Science and Late Imperial Chinese History
Giuseppe Ragone ●
University of Basilicata (Potenza)
Greek History and Epigraphy
Sulhiniso Rahmatullaeva
Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Islamic Art and Culture
Sara Rappe ●
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Chase Robinson ▲
Oxford University
Islamic History (Member first term, Visitor second term)
Norman Rose
The Hebrew University
International History
Nina Serebrennikov ▲
Davidson College
Northern European Art of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Bette Talvacchia
University of Connecticut
Art History
Vera Tolz ▲
University of Salford
Russian History
Jörg Traeger ▲
Universität Regensburg
Art History
Thomas Wilson
Hamilton College
Traditional Chinese Cultural History
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne ▲
University of Liverpool
Medieval Studies
Valerie Flint ▲
University of Hull
Medieval Ecclesiastical History
Sarah Fraser ▲
Northwestern University
Art History (Chinese Painting)
Rona Goffen
Rutgers University
Art History
Miriam Griffin ●
Oxford University
Ancient History
François Rigolot
Princeton University
French Literature
Leonid Zhmud ▲
Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg
Ancient Greek Science and Philosophy
Research Assistants
Alison Beach
Institute for Advanced Study
Medieval History
(Assitant to Professor Constable)
Harry Bone
Institute for Advanced Study
Islamic History
(Assistant to Professor Crone)
Cynthia Robinson
Institute for Advanced Study
Art History
(Assistant to Professor Grabar)
Thomas Rütten
Institute for Advanced Study
History of Medicine
(Assistant to Professor von Staden)