Jonathan Israel | List of Publications
Publications (in inverse chronological order)
- Spinoza, Life and Legacy (Oxford, 2023)
- Historical Dictionary of the Enlightenment (Lanham, Boulder, New York, 2023), 379pp
- Revolutionary Jews from Spinoza to Marx. The Fight for a Secular World of Universal and Equal Rights (Seattle, 2021)
- The Enlightenment that Failed. Ideas, Revolution and Democratic Defeat, 1748-1830 (Oxford, 2019), pp.1070
- The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World (1775-1850) (Princeton, 2017)
- Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from The Rights of Man to Robespierre (Princeton, 2014) [paperback edn., 2015], 864 pp.
- Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights, 1750-1790 (Oxford, 2011) [paperback edn., 2013], 1152 pp.
- A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy (Princeton, 2010) [paperback edn., 2011], 296 pp.
- Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670-1752 (Oxford, 2006), 983 pp.
- Diasporas Within a Diaspora: Jews, Crypto‑Jews, and the World Maritime Empires (1540-1740), Vol. xxx of Brill's Series in Jewish Studies (Leiden, 2002), 613 pp.
- Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity, 1650‑1750 (Oxford, 2001) [paperback edn., 2002], 810 pp.
- Conflicts of Empires: Spain, the Low Countries and the Struggle for World Supremacy, 1585-1713 (London and Rio Grande, 1997), 420 pp.
- The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness and Fall, 1477-1806 (Oxford, 1995) [paperback edn. Oxford, 1998], 1231 pp.
- Empires and Entrepots: the Dutch, the Spanish Monarchy, and the Jews, 1585-1713 (London and Ronceverte, 1990), 457 pp.
- Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740 (Oxford, 1989) [paperback edn. Oxford, 1990], 462 pp.
- European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750 (Oxford, 1985) (2nd edn. Oxford, 1989; 3rd edn. London-Portland, 1998), 312 pp. [Joint winner, with J.H. Elliott of the 1986 Wolfson Literary Prize for History].
- The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World, 1606-1661 (Oxford, 1982) [paperback edn. Oxford, 1983], 478 pp.
- Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico, 1610-1670 (Oxford, 1975), 305 pp.
Introductions and Forewords
- Israel, Jonathan I. and Martin Mulsow, ‘Was ist Radikalaufklärung? – Eine aktuelle Debatte’, in Jonathan I. Israel and Martin Mulsow (eds.), Radikalaufklärung (Berlin, 2014), pp. 7-19.
- ‘Introduction‘ to Benedict de Spinoza, , Political Treatise, Dutch translation and annotations by Karel d‘Huydevetters (Amsterdam, 2014), pp. 11-23.
- ‘Foreword to Isaiah Berlin, Three Critics of the Enlightenment. Edited by Henry Hardy. (Princeton and Oxford, 2013), pp. ix-xvii.
- ‘Foreword’ to Wayne Hudson, Diego Lucci and J.R. Wigelsworth (eds.) Atheism and Deism Revalued. Heterodox religious Identities in Britain, 1650-1800 (Farnham, Surrey, 2014), pp. xi-xxiv.
- ‘Introduction’ to J. I. Israel (ed.), Benedict de Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise. Translated by M. Silverthorne and J. Israel. (Cambridge, 2007), pp. viii-xxxiv.
- ‘K. W. Swart: His Career as a Historian’, in K. W. Swart, William of Orange and the Revolt of the Netherlands, 1752-84. Edited by R. P. Fagel, M. E. H. N. Mout, and H. F. K. Van Nierop. Translated by J. C. Grayson. (Aldershot, England, 2003), pp. 1-7.
- ‘Introduction’ to J. I. Israel and R. Salverda (eds.), Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500- 2000) (Leiden, 2002), pp. 1-21.
- Benedict de Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise (Cambridge, UK., 2007).
- The Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and Its World Impact (Cambridge, UK, 1991).
- Israel, J. I. and Martin Mulsow (eds.), Radikalaufklärung (Berlin, 2014).
- Israel, J. I. and Reinier Salverda (eds.), Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500- 2000) (Leiden, 2002).
- Berkvens-Stevelinck, Christiane, Jonathan Israel, and G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes (eds.), The Emergence of Tolerance in the Dutch Republic (Leiden, 1997).
- Grell, O. P., Jonathan Israel, and N. Tyacke (eds.), From Persecution to Toleration: The Glorious Revolution in England (Oxford, 1991).
- Katz, D. S. and Jonathan Israel (eds.), Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews (Leiden, 1990).
Booklets and Co-Authored Booklets
- J. I. Israel and S. B. Schwartz, The Expansion of Tolerance: Religion in Dutch Brazil (1624-1654) (Amsterdam, 2007), 59 pp.
- In strijd met Spinoza, Het failliet van de Nederlandse Verlichting (1670-1800) (Amsterdam, 2007), 88 pp.
- Gedachtevrijheid versus godsdienstvrijheid. Een dilemma van de Verlichting, with essays also by Inger Leemans, Siep Stuurman and Marin Terpstra (Nijmegen, 2007), 99 pp.
Articles, Essays and Chapters in Edited Volumes
Areas of Research Interest:
- French and American Revolutions
- Enlightenment, Radical Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment
- China and the Western Enlightenment
- Spinoza and Spinozism
- Dutch Golden Age
- Dutch East and West India Colonialism—and the Sephardic Role
- Dutch Ties with the Baltic and East-Central Europe
- Spanish Netherlands and Spanish Imperial Policy in Northern Europe
- Spanish and Ibero-American History
- Low Countries Art History
- Early Modern European Jewish History
French and American Revolutions
- "Hemsterhuis as a European and Trans-Atlantic Political Theorist," in Jacob van Sluis and D. Webster (eds.), The Philosophical Correspondence and Unpublished Writings of François Hemsterhuis (Edinburgh, 2023), pp. 57-67.
- 'D'Holbach's Political and Social Thought: The Democratic Revolution in Western Values Prior to 1789,' in Laura Nicoli (ed.) The Great Protector of Wits" Baron d'Holbach and His Time (Leiden-Boston, 2022), pp. 275-99.
- 'Revolution and the Radical Enlightenment: an Overview (1650-1848) in Qu’est-ce que les Lumières? Nouvelles réponses à l’ancienne question in Le Siècle des Lumières VI (Moscow, 2018), pp. 32-45
- 'Rousseau and d'Holbach: The Revolutionary Implications of la philosophie anti-Thérésienne' in Helena Rosenblatt and Paul Schweigert (eds.),Thinking with Rousseau. From Machiavelli to Schmitt (Cambridge, 2017), pp.149-74
- ‘The Radical Enlightenment’s Critique of the American Revolution’, in Dustin Gish and Daniel Klinghard (eds.), Resistance to Tyrants, Obedience to God: Reason, Religion, and Republicanism at the American Founding (Lanham, Maryland, 2013), pp. 43-63.
- ‘Philosophy, religion and the controversy about basic human rights in 1789’, in Kate E. Tunstall (ed.), Self-Evident Truths? Human Rights and the Enlightenment (New York, 2012), pp. 111-25.
- ‘Democracy and Equality in the Radical Enlightenment: Revolutionary Ideology before 1789’, in M. Albertone and A. De Francesco (eds.), Rethinking the Atlantic World: Europe and America in the Age of Democratic Revolutions (New York, 2009), pp. 46-60.
- ‘Equality and Inequality in the Late Enlightenment’, De Achttiende Eeuw xli (2009), pp. 119-36.
- ‘Gerrit Paape, ‘Wijsbegeerte’, en de ‘Algemene Revolutie’ van de mensheid’, Parmentier Jaargang 16.4 (Nijmegen, 2007), pp. 13-22.
- ''Revolution in Early Modern Europe. A Review Article," in Comparative Studies in Society and History 27 (1985), pp. 123-29
Enlightenment, Radical Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment
- 'Montesquieu and the Enlightenment,' in Keegan Callanen and Sharon Krause (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Montesquieu (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 266-88.
- Narratives of Disenchantment, Narratives of Secularization. Radical Enlightenment and the Rise of the Illiberal Secular,', in Robert A. Yelle and Lorenz Trein (eds.) Narratives of Disenchantment and Secularization (London, 2021), pp. 111-28
- 'The Spanish Revolution of 1820-1823 and the Clandestine Philosophical Literature', in Gianni Paganini, M.C.Jacob and J,Chr. Laursen (eds.) Clandestine Philosophy. New Studies on Subversive Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe, 1620-1823 (Toronto, 2020), pp. 355-77
- 'Pierre Bayle's Correspondence and its Significance for the History of Ideas', Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2019), pp. 479-500
- 'Popularizing Radical Ideas in the Dutch Art World of the Early Eighteenth Century: Willem Goeree (1635-1711) and Arnold Houbraken (1660-1719)' in Jo Spaans and Jetse Touber (eds.) Enlightened Religion. From Confessional Churches to Polite Piety (Leiden, 2019), pp. 268-89
- 'Poststructuralist and Postcolonial Criticism of the 'Moderate' Enlightenment is partly justified (But not its Criticism of the entire Enlightenment)' in Victoria Höög (ed.) What is left of The Enlightenment? A special issue of Insikt en Handling (University of Lund) vol. 26 (2018), pp.17-43.
- 'Shaftesbury, an Early Voice of the Radical Enlightenment', in Patrick Müller (ed.) Shaping Enlightenment Politics. The Social and Political Impact of the First and Third Earls of Shaftesbury (Berlin, 2018), pp. 89-97
- ‘The Dutch Jewish Enlightenment in Surinam’ in Yosef Kaplan and Dan Michman (eds.) The Religious Cultures of Dutch Jewry (Leiden, 2017), pp. 183-206.
- 'Towards the "Nordic Model". Scandinavian Enlightenment viewed as a gradual edging toward Universal and Equal Rights', in Thomas Bredsdorff and Søren Peter Hansen (eds.) Det lange lys.2000-tals spørgsmål, 1700-tals svar (Copenhagen, 2017),pp. 15-49.
- ‘Ideology and Social Change: Jewish Emancipation in European revolutionary Consciousness (1780-1800)’, in David J. Wertheim (ed.) The Jew as Legitimation. Jewish-Gentile Relations beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism (2017), pp. 83-101.
- ‘Rousseau, Diderot and the “Radical Enlightenment”: A Reply to Helena Rosenblatt and Joanna Stalnaker,’ in Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016), pp. 649-77.
- 'Epílogo' to Paul Henri Thiry, Barón de Holbach, Ensayo sobre los perjuicios (Pamplona, 2016), pp. 265-290.
- ‘The Enlightenment and Its Learned Societies. The Peculiarity of Groningen’, Groniek. Historisch Tijdschrift 208/209 (2016), pp. 189-98.
- ‘J.G.A. Pocock and the “Language of Enlightenment” in his Barbarism and Religion’, Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016), pp. 107-27.
- ‘Les Lumières radicales’ comme théorie générale de la modernité démocratique séculière, et ses critiques’ in Lumières radicales et histoire politique: un débat, éd. Marta García Alonso (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2016), pp. 387-436.
- ‘Northern Varieties: Contrasting the Dano-Norwegian and the Swedish-Finnish Enlightenments,’ in E. Krefting, A. Nøding, and M. Rinvej (eds.) Eighteenth-Century Periodicals as Agents of Change, Perspectives on Northern Enlightenment (Leiden-Boston 2015) , pp. 17-45.
- ‘Leo Strauss and the Radical Enlightenment’, Reading Between the Lines – Leo Strauss and the History of Early Modern Philosophy, (ed.) Winfried Schröder (New Studies in the history and historiography of philosophy, vol. 3) (Berlin-Boston 2015), pp. 9-28.
- ‘The Polish and Wider Central European Enlightenment – was there a Radical Tendency?’, European Review, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2015), pp. 309–320.
- ‘The Enlightenment’, in M. T. Gibbons (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Vol. III (West Sussex, UK, 2015), pp. 1081-1094.
- ‘Grotius and the Rise of Christian “Radical Enlightenment”’, in H.W. Blom (ed.) Grotiana, Vol. 35, Issue 1 (Leiden, 2014), pp. 19-31.
- ‘Democratic Republicanism and One Substance Philosophy. On the Connection of the Two Disparate Concepts’, in Concepts of (Radical) Enlightenment. Jonathan Israel in Discussion. IZEA Kleine Schriften, 5/2014 (Halle, 2014), pp. 14-43.
- ‘Civilization and the “State of Nature” in the Quarrel between Rousseau and the Diderot Circle’, in Kurt Almqvist and Alexander Linklater (eds.), Civilization (Stockholm, 2014), pp. 133-141.
- ‘Radical Enlightenment’ – peripheral, substantial, or the main Face of the trans-Atlantic Enlightenment (1650-1850), Diametros 40, (June 2014), pp. 73-98.
- 'Leibniz's Theodicy as a Critique of Spinoza and Bayle—and Blueprint for the Philosophy Wars of the 18th Century', in Larry M. Jorgensen and Samuel Newlands (eds.), New Essays on Leibniz's Theodicy (Oxford, 2014), pp. 233-244.
- 'Die radikale Aufklärung Italiens: der Einfluss von Helvétius, Diderot und d’Holbach in Italien (1750–1800)', in Frank Jung and Thomas Kroll (eds.), Italien in Europa. Die Zirkulation der Ideen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, (München: Fink 2014), pp. 59-76.
- ‘Le rôle de Bayle et de son œuvre dans la guerre de l’Encyclopédie’, in X. Daverat et A. McKenna (eds.), Pierre Bayle et le politique (Paris, 2014), pp. 263-272.
- ‘Radikalaufklärung: Entstehung und Bedeutung einer fundamentalen Idee’, in Jonathan Israel and Martin Mulsow (eds.), Radikalaufklärung (Berlin, 2014), pp. 234-275.
- 'Rousseau y la idea de la Providencia divina', in José López Hernández and Antonio Campillo Meseguer (eds.), El Legado De Rousseau, 1712-2012 (Murcia, 2013), pp. 21-30.
- ‘The Radical Enlightenment’s Critique of Freemasonry: from Lessing to Mirabeau’, in Cécile Révauger and Jean Mondot (eds.), Lumières radicales et franc-maçonnière (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 2013), pp. 23-31.
- ‘What Are the Major Changes in the History of Our Moral Principles?’, in Vittorio Hösle (ed.), Dimensions of Goodness (Newcastle, 2013), pp. 69-84.
- ‘Deists Against the Radical Enlightenment or, Can Deists Be Radical?’ in Winfried Schröder (ed.), Gestalten des Deismus in Europa. Günter Gawlick zum 80. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden, 2013), pp. 113-36.
- ‘How to write the Intellectual History of the Enlightenment – and Revolution: a Critical Foray’, Rivista Storica Italiana 124.3 (2012), pp. 1049-1091.
- ‘Natural Virtue versus Book Learning: Rousseau and the great Enlightenment battle over Education’, European Journal of Developmental Psychology ix supp. 1 (2012), pp. 6-17.
- ‘Tolerance and Intolerance in the Writings of the French Antiphilosophes (1750-1789)’, in J.C. Laursen and M.J. Villaverde (eds.), Paradoxes of Religious Toleration in Early Modern Political Thought (Plymouth, 2012), pp. 193-206.
- ‘The Philosophical Context of Hermann Samuel Reimarus’ Radical Biblical Criticism’, in Martin Mulsow (ed.), Between Philology and Radical Enlightenment: Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768) (Leiden, 2011), pp. 183-200.
- ‘Libertas Philosphandi in the Eighteenth Century: Radical Enlightenment versus Moderate Enlightenment (1750-1776)’, in E. Powers (ed.), Freedom of Speech: The History of an Idea (Lanham, MD, 2011), pp. 1-17.
- ‘L’histoire intellectuelle des Lumières et de la Révolution: une incursion critique’, in A. McKenna (ed.), La Lettre clandestine vol. xix: Diderot et la littérature clandestine (Paris, 2011), pp. 173-225.
- ‘Tolerancia e intolerancia en los escritos de los antiphilosophes franceses (1750-1789)’, in J.C. Laursen and M.J. Villaverde (eds.), Forjadores de la tolerancia (Madrid, 2011), pp. 224-240.
- ‘Le contexte philosophique du criticisme biblique radical de Hermann Samuel Reimarus’, in Marie-Hélene Quéval (ed.), Orthodoxie et hétérodoxie : Libertinage et religion en Europe au temps des Lumières (Saint-Étienne, 2010), pp. 89-101.
- ‘French royal censorship and the battle to suppress the Encyclopédie of Diderot and D’Alembert, 1751-1759’, in M. Lærke (ed.), The Use of Censorship in the Enlightenment (Leiden and Boston, 2009), pp. 61-74.
- ‘Les ‘Antiphilosophes’ et la diffusion de la philosophie clandestine dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle’, La Lettre Clandestine vol. xvii (Paris, 2009), pp. 73-88.
- ‘Fontenelle et l’histoire de l’esprit humain’, in Fontenelle, l’histoire et la politique du temps présent (ed.) Claudine Poulouin , Revue Fontenelle vi/vii (Rouen, 2008/9), pp. 109-17.
- ‘Tankefrihed versus Religionsfrihed – et dilemma fra det 18. århundrede, nu også et dilemma for det 21. århundrede’, in F. Stjernfelt and L. H. Kjaeldgaard (eds.), Kritik 188 (Copenhagen, 2008), pp. 19-28.
- ‘Radicalismo e conservazione’, in G. Paganini and E. Tortarolo (eds.), Illuminismo: Un vademecum (Torino, 2008), pp. 196-207.
- ‘Philosophy, Deism, and the Early Jewish Enlightenment (1655-1740)’, in Y. Kaplan (ed.), The Dutch Intersection: The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History (Leiden and Boston, 2008), pp. 173-201.
- ‘Bayle’s Double Image during the Enlightenment’, in W. van Bunge and H. Bots (eds.), Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), le philosophe de Rotterdam: Philosophy, Religion and Reception. Selected Papers of the Tercentenary Conference held at Rotterdam, 7-8 December, 2006 (Leiden and Boston, 2008), pp. 135-152.
- ‘Enlightenment, Radical Enlightenment and the ‘Medical Revolution’ of the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries’, in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds.), Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe (Hampshire and Burlington, VT, 2007), pp. 5-28.
- ‘John Locke and the Intellectual Legacy of the Early Enlightenment’, in J. G. Buickerood (ed.), Eighteenth-Century Thought iii (New York, 2007), pp. 37-55.
- ‘Radical Enlightenment and its Relevance to Today’s Problems’, in K. Almqvist (ed.), The Secular State and Islam in Europe (Riga, 2007), pp. 27-40.
- ‘Unité et Diversité des Lumières Radicales. Typologie de ses intellectuels et de ses racines culturelles’, in C. Secrétan, T. Dagron and L. Bove (eds.), Qu’est ce que les Lumières « Radicales » ? (Paris, 2007), pp. 37-59.
- ‘Group Identity and Opinion among the Huguenot Diaspora and the Challenge of Pierre Bayle’s Toleration Theory (1685-1706)’, in J. Pollmann and A. Spicer (eds.), Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands: Essays in Honour of Alastair Duke (Leiden and Boston, 2007), pp. 279-93.
- ‘Enlightenment! Which Enlightenment?’, Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (2006), pp. 523-545.
- ‘Philosophy, History of Philosophy, and l’Histoire de l’Esprit Humain: A Historiographical Question and Problem for Philosophers’, in J. B. Schneewind (ed.), Teaching New Histories of Philosophy: Proceedings of a Conference, Princeton University Center for Human Values, April 4-6, 2003 (Princeton, 2004), pp. 329-344.
- ‘Pierre Bayle’s Political Thought’, in A. McKenna and G. Paganini (eds.), Pierre Bayle dans la République des Lettres : Philosophie, religion, critique (Paris, 2004), pp. 349-379.
- ‘The Intellectual Origins of Modern Democratic Republicanism (1660-1720)’, European Journal of Political Theory iii (2004), pp. 7-36.
- ‘Was there a pre-1740 Sephardic Jewish Enlightenment?’, in La Diaspora des ‘Nouveaux-Chrétiens’: Vol. XLVIII of Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon and Paris, 2004), pp. 3-20.
- ‘The Early Dutch Enlightenment as a Factor in the Wider European Enlightenment’, in W. van Bunge (ed.), The Early Enlightenment in the Dutch Republic, 1650-1750 (Leiden, 2003), pp. 215-230.
- ‘Teylers Lecture on Radical Enlightenment’, Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman xxvi (2003), pp. 4-9.
- ‘Orobio de Castro and the Early Enlightenment’, in H. Méchoulan and G. Nahon (eds.), Mémorial I. S. Révah. Études sur le marranisme, l’hétérodoxie juive et Spinoza (Paris and Louvain, 2001), pp. 227-45.
- 'De Verlichting,de Nederlanders en de toekomst der geschiedenis' (16th Van de Leeuw-Lecture University of Groningen)(Amsterdam, 1998)
China and the Western Enlightenment
- ‘The Battle over Confucius and Classical Chinese Philosophy in European Early Enlightenment Thought (1670-1730)’, Frontiers of Philosophy in China viii (2013), pp. 183-98.
- ‘La Querelle sur Confucius et la philosophie chinoise classique dans la pensée des Lumières (1670-1730)’ (The French version of no. 83, trans. by Frank Lemonde in the online journal Revue Descartes.), La Revue du Collège international de Philosophie no. 81 (2014) issue : ‘La Migration des Idées’
- ‘Diderot, D’Holbach et la question de la Chine’, in A. Mothu (ed.), La Lettre clandestine vol. XX : L’érudition et la littérature philosophique clandestine (Paris, 2012), pp. 185-199.
- ‘Admiration of China and Classical Chinese Thought in the Radical Enlightenment (1685-1740)’, Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 4, 1, 7 (Taipei, 2007), pp. 1-25.
Spinoza and Spinozism
- 'The Great Spinoza Controversy of the 1780s:The Role of Frans Hemsterhuis (1721-1790),' in Charles Wolfe and A.Waldow eds. Science and the Shaping of Modernity. Essays in Honor of Stephen Gaukroger (Cham, Switzerland, 2025), pp. 131-41.
- 'Spinoza and the Growing Divide between Radical Enlightenment and Socialism in the German Jewish Intellectual World of the 1830s and 1840s,' in Jason.Yonover and Kristin Gjesdal (eds.) Spinoza in Germany (Oxford, 2024), 156-81.
- "Where is the Collective Morality in Spinoza's Ethics? Connecting Spinoza's Ethics to his Political Philosophy,' in D. Garber, M. Laerke, P-F. Moreau and P. Totaro eds. Spinoza: Reason, Religion and Politics. The Relation between the Ethics and the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Oxford, 2024), pp. 436-55.
- "How does Spinoza'a "Democracy" differ from that of Hobbes? A Discussion of Potentia: Hobbes a Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics," Hobbes Studies 34 (2021), 227-40
- 'Spinoza, Radical Enlightenment and the general reform of the Arts in the Later Dutch Golden Age: the Aims of Nil Volentibus Arduum,' Intellectual History Review 30 (2020), 387-409
- 'Spinoza's Formulation of the Radical Enlightenment's Two Foundational Concepts: How Much Did He owe to the Dutch Golden Age Political-Theological Context?' in Jack Stetter and Charles Ramond (eds.) Spinoza in Twenty-First Century American and French Philosophy. Metaphysics, Philosophy of the Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy (London, 2019), pp. 335-48 (with Charles Ramond's 'Response' on pp.349-60).
- 'Spinoza and Spinozism in the Western Enlightenment: the Latest Turns in the Contrversity' in Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de filosofía, política y humanidades 20 (2018) unpaginated (15 pages)
- 'El rey Felipe II de España como símbolo de la tiranía en los escritos políticos de Spinoza' in Co-here cia, Revista de Humanidades (Medallin, Colombia) 13/14 (2018), pp.137-54
- 'Radical Thought' in The Cambridge Companion to the Dutch Golden Age (ed.) H.J.Helmers and G.H.Janssen (Cambridge, 2018), pp.370-89
- 'How Did Spinoza Declare war on Theology and the Theologians?' in Dirk van Miert, Henk Nellen Piet Steenbakkers, and Jetze Touber (eds.) Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God’s Word Questioned (Oxford, 2017), pp. 195-214.
- 'Spinozism and the Erotic: Hadrianus Beverland's Suppressed Writings', in Christelle Bahier-Porte, Pierre-François Moreau, and Delphine Reguig (eds.) Liberté de conscience et arts de penser (XVI-XVIIIe siècle). Mélanges en l’honneur d’Antony McKenna (Paris, 2017), pp. 385-406.
- ‘Dutch Golden Age Politics and the Rise of the Radical Enlightenment. An Overview,’ in Sonja Lavaert and Winfried Schröder (eds.), The Dutch Legacy: Radical Thinkers of the 17th Century and the Enlightenment (Leiden, 2017), pp. 35-61.
- ‘Spinoza and Theology’, in U.L. Lehner, R. Muller, and A. G. Roeber (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800, (Oxford, 2016), pp. 577-93.
- ‘Epilogue’ to Spinoza: Tratado teológico politíco (Pamplona, 2014), pp. 331-363.
- ‘Spain’s Empire, “Superstitio” and “Enlightened” Networks in Spinoza’ philosophical System of Subversion’, in Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Jacques Poloni-Simard, and Gilles Rivière (eds.), Au Miroir de l’anthropologie historique: Mélanges offerts à Nathan Wachtel (Rennes, 2013), pp. 75-94.
- Entries "Aequalitas" and "Tolerantia" in Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers and Jeroen van de Ven (eds.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza (London, first published 2011; reissued in 2014), pp. 146-47 and 328-29
- ‘Spinoza and the Religious Radical Enlightenment’, in S. Mortimer and J. Robertson (eds.), The Intellectual Consequences of Religious Heterodoxy, 1600-1750, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 211 (Leiden, 2012), pp. 181-204.
- ‘The early Dutch and German reaction to the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: foreshadowing the Enlightenment’s more general Spinoza reception?’, in Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.), Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise: A Critical Guide (Cambridge, UK, 2010), pp. 72-100.
- ‘Dr Bontekoe’s Views on Spinoza and the Spread of Spinozism published in the Year 1680’, in Studia Spinozana xvi (2008), pp. 221-41.
- ‘The Democratic Republicanism of Frederik Van Leenhof’, in D. Balani, D. Carpanetto, and M. Rogger (eds.), Dall’origine dei lumi alla rivoluzione. Scritti in onore di Luciano Guerci e Giuseppe Ricuperati (Rome, 2008), pp. 265-280.
- 'De metaforsche terugkeer van Spinoza', in Rob Riemen (ed.) Europees humanisme in fragmenten. Grammatica van een ongesproken taal. Nexus no. 50 (2008), pp.440-54
- 'Cartesianism, "Revolution" and the Dutch Spinozists,' in N. Robertson, G. McQuat and T. Vinci (eds.) Descartes and the Modern (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 72-86.
- ‘Spinoza as an Expounder, Critic, and ‘Reformer’ of Descartes’, Intellectual History Review xvii (2007), pp. 41-53.
- ‘Meyer, Koerbagh and the Radical Enlightenment critique of Socinianism’, Geschiedenis van de wijsbegeerte in Nederland xiv (2003), pp. 197-208.
- ‘Philosophy, Commerce and the Synagogue: Spinoza’s Expulsion from the Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish Community in 1656’, in J. I. Israel and R. Salverda (eds.), Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500- 2000) (Leiden, 2002), pp. 125-39.
- ‘Locke, Spinoza, and the Philosophical Debate concerning Toleration in the Early Enlightenment (c.1670-1750),’ Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Mededelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuw reeks 62.6 (1999), pp. 5-19.
- ‘Spinoza, Locke and the Enlightenment Battle for Toleration’, in O. Grell and Roy Porter (eds.), Toleration in Enlightenment Europe (Cambridge, UK, 2000), pp. 102-13.
- ‘Les Controverses pamphlétaires dans la vie intellectuelle hollandaise et allemande à l’époque deBekker et Van Leenhof’, XVIIe Siècle xlix (1997), pp. 253-64.
- ‘The Banning of Spinoza’s Works in the Dutch Republic (1670-1678)’, in Wiep van Bunge and Wim Klever (eds.), Disguised and Overt Spinozism around 1700 (Leiden, 1996), pp. 3-14.
- ‘Spinoza, King Solomon, and Frederik van Leenhof’s Spinozistic Republicanism’, Studia Spinozana xi (1995), pp. 303-17.
The Dutch Golden Age
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- 'Friesland and the Rise of Democratic Republicanism in the Western World (1572-1800)' in De Vrije Fries vol. 28 (Leeuwarden, 2019) , pp. 8-17
- 'Radical Thought' in Helmer J. Helmers and Geert H. Janssen (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to the Dutch Golden Age (Cambridge, 2018), pp. 370-89.
- ‘De twee gezichten van de Republiek en haar koloniale imperium als positief en negatief model van vooruitgang’, in W. Engelbrecht and B. Hamers (eds.), Neerlandistische ontmoetingen Trefpunt Olomouc (Olomouc, 2010), pp. 1-14.
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- ‘Religious Toleration and Radical Philosophy in the Later Dutch Golden Age (1668-1710)’, in R. Po-Chia Hsia and H. F. K. van Nierop (eds.), Calvinism and Religious Toleration in the Dutch Golden Age (Cambridge, UK, 2002), pp. 148-58.
- 'Dutch Primacy in World Trade during the Golden Age', in J. Femke Hoogeveen et al. (eds.) World Wide Waters. The Maritime Dimension of Global Prosperity and Stability (Amsterdam, 2002), pp.10-21.
- ‘The Publishing of Forbidden Works in the Dutch Republic and their European Distribution’, in Lotte Hellinga et al. (eds.), The Bookshop of the World (Leiden, 2001), pp. 233-43.
- ‘Trade, Politics and Strategy: The Anglo-Dutch Wars in the Levant (1645-1678)’, in A. Hamilton, A.H. de Groot and M.H.Van den Boogert (eds.), Friends and Rivals in the East. Studies in Anglo-Dutch Relations in the Levant from the Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth Century (Leiden, 2000), pp. 11-23.
- 'Maurits en de wording van de buitenlandse politiek' in Kees Zandvliet (ed.), Maurits, Prins van Oranje (Zwolle, 2000), pp. 65-75.
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- ''William III, the Glorious Revolution and the Development of Parliamentary Democracy in Britain" in John Pinder (ed.) Foundations of Democracy in the European Union: From the Genesis of Parliamentary Democracy to the European Parliament (London, 1999), pp. 33-40.
- ‘De economische ontwikkeling van Amsterdam in de tijd van Rembrandt’, Amstelodamum xxi (1999), pp. 62-75.
- ‘The Intellectual Debate about Toleration in the Dutch Republic’, in C. Berkvens-Stevelinck, J. I. Israel, and G. H. M. Posthumus Meyjes (eds.), The Emergence of Tolerance in the Dutch Republic (Leiden, 1997), pp. 3-36.
- ‘Dutch Influence on Urban Planning, Health Care and Poor Relief: the North Sea and Baltic Regions of Europe, 1567-1720’, in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds.), Health Care and Poor Relief in Protestant Europe, 1500-1700 (London, 1997), pp. 66-83.
- ‘The Dutch Economy During the Thirty Years’ War’, in C. A. Davids, W. Fritschy and L. A. van der Valk (eds.), Kapitaal, ondernemerschap en beleid. Afscheidsbundel voor Prof. dr. P. W. Klein (Amsterdam, 1996), pp. 77-94.
- ‘The Uses of Myth and History in the Ideological Politics of the Dutch Golden Age’, in J. Fenoulhet and L. Gilber (eds.), Presenting the Past: UCL Centre for Low Countries Studies: Series Crossways vol. 3 (London, 1996), pp. 17-27.
- ‘The Bekker Controversies as a Turning Point in the History of Dutch Culture and Thought’, Dutch Crossing: A Journal of Low Countries Studies xx (1996), pp. 5-21.
- ‘Toleration in Seventeenth-Century Dutch and English Thought’, in S. Groenveld and M. Wintle (eds.), Britain and the Netherlands XI: Religion, Scholarship and Art in Anglo-Dutch Relations in the 17th Century (Zutphen, 1994), pp. 13-30.
- ‘England’s Mercantilist Response to Dutch World Primacy, 1647-1674’, in S. Groenveld and M. Wintle (eds.), Britain and the Netherlands X: Government and the Economy in Britain and the Netherlands since the Middle Ages (Zutphen, 1992), pp. 50-61.
- ‘William III and Toleration’, in O. P. Grell, J. I. Israel and N. Tyacke (eds.), From Persecution to Toleration: The Glorious Revolution and Religion in England (Oxford, 1991), pp. 129-70.
- [co-authored with Geoffrey Parker], ‘Of Providence and Protestant Winds: the Spanish Armada of 1588 and the Dutch Armada of 1688’, in J. I. Israel (ed.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact (Cambridge, UK, 1991), pp. 335-63.
- ‘The Dutch Role in the Glorious Revolution’, in J. I. Israel (ed.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact (Cambridge, UK, 1991), pp. 105-62.
- ‘Propaganda in the Making of the Glorious Revolution’, in S. Roach (ed.), Across the Narrow Seas: Studies in the History and Bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries (London, 1991), pp. 167-77.
- ‘The ‘New History’ versus ‘Traditional History’ in Interpreting Dutch World Trade Primacy’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden cvi (1991), pp. 469-79.
- [co-authored with Harm den Boer], ‘William III and the Glorious Revolution in the Eyes of Amsterdam Sephardi Writers: The Reactions of Miguel de Barrios, Joseph Penso de la Vega and Manuel de Leão’, in J. I. Israel (ed.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 439-61.
- ‘Een merkwaardig literair werk en de Amsterdamse effectenmarkt in 1688: Joseph Penso de la Vega’s Confusión de Confusiones’, De Zeventiende Eeuw vi (1990), pp. 159-65.
- ‘The Amsterdam Stock Exchange and the English Revolution of 1688’, Tijdschrift voor Geshiedenis ciii (1990), pp. 412-40.
- ‘The Dutch Republic and the Glorious Revolution of 1688/9 in England’, in C. Wilson and D. Proctor (eds.), 1688: The Seaborne Alliance and Diplomatic Revolution (London, 1989), pp. 31-44.
- ‘Competing Cousins - Anglo-Dutch Trade Rivalry’, in History Today, Vol. 38, Issue 7 (1988), pp. 17-22.
- 'The Phases of the Dutch Straatvaart ,1590-1713,' Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 99 (1986), pp. 1-30.
- ‘The Dutch Merchant Colonies in the Mediterranean during the Seventeenth Century’, Renaissance and Modern Studies xxx (1986), pp. 87-108.
- ‘Revolution in Early Modern Europe. A Review Article,’ in Comparative Studies in Society and History 27 (1985), pp. 123-29.
- ‘Spanje en de Nederlandse Opstand’, in F. Wieringa (ed.), Republiek tussen Vorsten: Oranje, Opstand, Vrijheid, Geloof (Zutphen, 1984), pp. 51-60.
- ‘Frederick Henry and the Dutch Political Factions, 1625-1642’, English Historical Review xcviii (1983), pp. 73-99.
- ‘The States General and the Strategic Regulation of the Dutch River Trade, 1621-1636’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden xcv (1980), pp. 461-91.
- ‘The Holland Towns and the Dutch-Spanish Conflict, 1621-1648’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden xciv (1979), pp. 71-86.
Dutch Caribbean and East India Colonialism - and the Sephardic Role
- 'David Nassy and the Political Emancipation of Dutch and Dutch Caribbean Jewry (1785-1797)' in A. Bar-Levav, C.B. Stuczynski and M. Heyd (eds.) Paths to Modernity. A Tribute to Yosef Kaplan (Jerusalem, 2018), 321-47
- ‘El Anticolonialismo de los Ilustrados Radicales’, in María José Villaverde Rico y Gerardo López Sastre (eds.) Civilizados y salvajes: La miradad de los ilustrados sobre el mundo no europeo, (Madrid, Spain 2015), pp. 53-72
- ‘Curaçao, Amsterdam, and the Rise of the Sephardi Trade System in the Caribbean, 1630-1700’, in Jane S. Gerber (ed.), The Jews in the Caribbean (Portland, Oregon 2014), pp. 29-43.
- ‘Dutch Jews, David Nassy, and the “General Revolution” in the Caribbean (1770-1800)’, in Shlomo Berger, Emile Schrijver and Irene Zwiep (eds.), Mapping Jewish Amsterdam: The Early Modern Perspective, in Studia Rosenthaliana xliv (2012), pp. 173-190.
- ‘Jews and Crypto-Jews in the Atlantic World Systems, 1500-1800’, in R. L. Kagan and P. D. Morgan (eds.), Atlantic Diaspora: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500-1800 (Baltimore, 2009), pp. 3-17.
- 'Judeus Sefaradim Neerlandeses, política milenarista e a luta pelo Brasil (1645-54)' in O Brasil no império marítimo português eds. Stuart Schwartz and E. Myrup (Bauru-SP, Brazil, 2008), pp. 147-78
- ‘Religious Toleration in Dutch Brazil (1624-1654)’, in J. I. Israel and S. B. Schwartz (eds.), The Expansion of Tolerance: Religion in Dutch Brazil (1624-1654) (Amsterdam, 2007), pp. 13-32.
- ‘Diasporas Jewish and non-Jewish and the World Maritime Empires’, in I. Baghdiantz McCabe, G. Harlaftis, and I. Pepelasis Minoglou (eds.), Diaspora Entrepreneurial Networks: Four Centuries of History (Oxford, 2005), pp. 3-26.
- ‘The Jews of Dutch America’, in P. Bernardini and Norman Fiering (eds.), The Jews and the Expansion of Europe in the West, 1450-1800 (New York, 2001), pp. 335-349.
- 'El Brasil y la política holandesa en el Nuevo Mundo (1618-1648)' in Jonathan I. Israel (et al.) Acuarela de Brasil, 500 años despues (Salamanca, 2000), 11-21.
- ‘The Emerging Empire: the Continental Perspective, 1650-1713’, in N. Canny (ed.), The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century (The Oxford History of the British Empire Vol. I) (Oxford, 1998), pp. 423-44.
- ‘England, the Dutch, and the Struggle for Mastery of World Trade in the Age of the Glorious Revolution, 1682-1702’, in D. Hoak and M. Feingold (eds.), The World of William and Mary: Anglo-Dutch Perspectives on the Revolution of 1688-89 (Stanford, 1996), pp. 75-86.
- [co-authored with K. N. Chaudhuri], ‘The English and Dutch East India Companies and the Glorious Revolution of 1688-9’, in J. I. Israel (ed.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 407-38.
- ‘Dutch Sephardi Jewry, Millenarian Politics, and the Struggle for Brazil (1640-1654)’, in D. S. Katz and J. I. Israel (eds.), Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews (Leiden, 1990), pp. 76-97.
- ‘Menasseh ben Israel and the Dutch Sephardic Colonization Movement of the Mid-Seventeenth Century (1645-1657)’, in Y. Kaplan, H. Méchoulen and R. Popkin (eds.), Menasseh ben Israel and His World (Leiden, 1989), pp. 139-63.
- ‘The Diplomatic Career of Jeronimo Nunes da Costa: an Episode in Dutch-Portuguese Relations of the Seventeenth Century’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden xcviii (1983), pp. 167-90.
- ‘A Conflict of Empires: Spain and the Netherlands, 1618-1648’, Past and Present lxxvi (August, 1977), pp. 34-74.
Dutch Ties with the Baltic and East-Central Europe
- ‘Andrzej Wiszowaty (Wissowatius), Bayle, Leibniz, and the Critique of Polish Socinianism in Meyer’s Philosophia’, in S. Kiedron (ed.) De Deught Behoeft Geen Loftrompet (Wroclaw, 2015), pp. 79-85.
- ‘The Dutch Republic, the Czech Lands, and the Beginning of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1622)’, in W. Engelbrecht, B. Hamers, and D. Livingstone (eds.), Neerlandica II. Emblematica et Iconographica (Olomouc, 2003), pp. 19-29.
- ‘The Dutch Republic and the Silesian Revolt against the Habsburgs (1618-1625)’, in M. Kapustka, A. Kozieła and P. Oszczanowskiego (eds.), Niderlandyzm na Śląsku i w krajach ościennych (Wrocław, 2003), pp. 18-24.
- ‘Heinsius, Dutch Raison d’État, and the Reshaping of the Baltic and Eastern Europe’, in J. A. F. de Jongste and A. J. Veenendaal (eds.), Anthonie Heinsius and the Dutch Republic, 1688-1720 (The Hague, 2002), pp. 25-44.
- ‘Grain and Embargoes: Spain’s Economic Strategy in the Baltic in the Age of Olivares’, in A. M. Bernal, L. di Rosa and F. d’Esposito (eds.), El gobierno de la economía en el imperio español: información estadística, política económica y fiscalidad : actas de la sesión C-9 del XIIIth International Economic History Congress, Napoli, 1988 (Seville and Naples, 2000), pp. 347-55.
- ‘The Dutch Bulk Carrying Traffic to Elbing in the Seventeenth Century (1585-1700): The Narrowing of the ‘Mother Trade’’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden cxii (1997), pp. 1-9.
Spanish Netherlands and Spanish Imperial Policy in Northern Europe
- ‘España y Europa. Desde el Tratado de Münster a la Paz de los Pirineos, 1648-1659’, Pedralbes: Revista d’Història Moderna no. 29 (Barcelona, 2009), pp. 271-337.
- 'Guerre et paix. Le destin des Pays-Bas espagnols, 1584-1598,' in Paul Janssens ed. La Belgique espagnole (2 vols. Luxembourg, 2006) 1, pp.25-46'
- ‘Counter-Reformation, Economic Decline, and the Delayed Impact of the Medical Revolution in Catholic Europe, 1550-1750’, in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds.), Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter-Reformation Europe (London, 1999), pp. 40-55.
- ‘El Final de la Guerra de Flandes (1621-1648)’, El Final de la Guerra de Flandes (1621-1648), 350 Aniversario de la Paz de Münster (Madrid, 1998), pp. 27-37.
- ‘The Dutch-Spanish War and the Holy Roman Empire (1568-1648)’, in K. Bussmann and H. Schilling (eds.), 1648: War and Peace in Europe (2 vols. plus exhibition catalogue; Münster and Osnabrück, 1998) vol. 1, pp. 111-21.
- ‘Olivares, the Cardinal-Infante and Spain’s Strategy in the Low Countries (1635-1643): the Road to Rocroi’, in R. L. Kagan and G. Parker (eds.), Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliott (Cambridge, UK, 1995), pp. 267-95.
- ‘España y los Paises Bajos españoles durante la época de Olivares (1621-1643)’, in J. H. Elliott and A. García Sanz (eds.), La España del Conde Duque de Olivares (Valladolid, 1990), pp. 109-27.
- ‘The Politics of International Trade Rivalry during the Thirty Years’ War: Gabriel de Roy and Olivares’ Mercantilist Projects, 1621-1645’, International History Review viii (1986), pp. 517-49.
- 'A Conflict of Empires: Spain and the Netherlands 1618-1648,' Past and Present no. 76 (August 1977), pp.34-74.
General Spanish and Ibero-American History
- 'The Spanish Revolution of 1820-1823 and the Clandestine Philosophical Literature,' in Clandestine Philosophy. New Studies on Subversive Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe, 1620-1823 eds. Gianni Paganini, M.C. Jacob and J. Chr. Laursen (UCLA-Toronto, 2020), pp. 355-77.
- ‘La Leyenda negra y la polémica de los Ilustrados sobre los pueblos de la América española’, in Maria José Villaverde Rico and Francisco Castilla Urbano (eds.) La Sombra de la Leyenda Negra (Madrid, 2016), pp. 240-62.
- ‘Radical Enlightenment and Revolt in Ibero-America (1770-1809)’, in P. Schmidt, S. Dorsch, and H. Herold-Schmidt (eds.), Religiosity and Clergy in Latin America (1767-1850) (Köln, 2011), pp. 37-53.
- ‘La estrategia imperial española en el norte de la Nueva España y en las Californias durante la Guerra de los Treinta Años’, in J. M. de Bernardo Ares (ed.), El Hispanismo Anglonorteamericano: aportaciones, problemas y perspectivas sobre Historia, Arte y Literatura españolas (siglos XVI-XVIII) (2 vols., Córdoba, 2001), pp. 517-29.
- ‘España, los embargos españoles y la lucha por el dominio del comercio mundial, 1585-1648’, Revista de Historia Naval vi (1988), pp.89-105.
- ‘The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in New Spain: Myth or Reality?’, Past and Present 97 (November 1982), pp. 144-56.
- ‘The Decline of Spain: A Historical Myth?’, Past and Present 91 (May 1981), pp. 170-80.
- ‘Spanish Wool Exports and the European Economy, 1610-1640’, Economic History Review 2nd ser. xxxiii (1980), pp. 193-211.
- ‘Mexico and the ‘General Crisis’ of the Seventeenth Century’, Past and Present 63 (May, 1974), pp. 33-57. [also the Spanish version of this, 'México y la "Crisis General" del siglo XVII' in Enrique Florescano (ed.) Ensayos sobre el desarrollo economicó de México y América Latina (1500-1975) (Mexico City, 1979), pp.125-53].
- ‘The Portuguese in Seventeenth-Century Mexico’, Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas xi (1974), pp. 12-32.
- ‘Machine Guns and Murals: The Two Faces of Latin American Revolutions’ (drawings by Feliks Topolski), in David Bieda and David Robbins (eds.), Circuit (Winter 1968), pp. 2-12.
Low Countries Art History
- ‘Rubens, Antwerp and the Fight for Domination of the World Trade System (1572-1600)’, in Anna Knaap and M. Putnam (eds.), Art, Music and Spectacle in the Age of Rubens. Studies in Baroque Art (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 1-11.
- ‘Spinozistic Popular Radicalism in the Dutch Art World of the Later Golden Age’, in Hanno Brand, Ben Groen, Eric Hoekstra and Cor van der Meer (eds.), De tienduizend dingen. Feestbundel voor Reinier Salverda (Leeuwarden, 2013), pp. 129-144.
- ‘Romeyn de Hooghe (c. 1645-1708), Engraver, Inventor and Republican’, in N. P. Kopaneva, I. M. Michajlova and J. Driessen van het Reve (eds.), Materialen van de internationale wetenschappelijke conferentie ‘Rusland-Nederland: op het kruispunt van meningen’ (St. Petersburg, 2008), pp. 295-301.
- ‘Adjusting to Hard Times: Dutch Art during its Period of Crisis and Restructuring (c. 1621-c. 1645)’, Art History xx (1997), pp. 449-76.
- ‘Art and Diplomacy: Gerhard Ter Borch and the Munster Peace Negotiations, 1646-8’, in J. I. Israel, Conflicts of Empires, pp. 93-104.
Early Modern Jewish History
- 'Judeus Sefaradim Neerlandeses, política milenarista e a luta pelo Brasil (1645-1654),' in Stuart Schwartz and E.L.Myrup eds. O Brasil no império marítimo portugues (Bauru, Sao Paulo, 2008), pp.147-178.
- ‘The Republic of the United Netherlands until about 1750: Demography and Economic Activity’, in J. C. H. Blom, R. G. Fuks-Mansfeld, and I. Schöffer (eds.), The History of the Jews in the Netherlands (Oxford, 2007), pp. 87-115.
- ‘El comercio de los judíos sefardíes de Amsterdam con los conversos de Madrid a través del suroeste francés’, in J. Contreras, B. J. García García, and I. Pulido (eds.), Familia, Religión y Negocio: El sefardismo en las relaciones entre el mundo ibérico y los Países Bajos en la Edad Moderna (Madrid, 2002), pp. 373-390.
- ‘Handelsmessen und Handelsrouten - die Memoiren der Glikl und das Wirtschaftsleben der deutschen Juden im späten 17. Jahrhundert’, in M. Richarz (ed.), Die Hamburger Kauffrau Glikl. Jüdische Existenz in der frühen Neuzeit (Hamburg, 2001), pp. 268-79.
- ‘Jews and Marranos in western Europe during the early Modern Era’ (Gli ebrei e marrani nell’Europa dell’ovest in età moderna,’ in S. Cavaciocchi (ed.) Il Ruolo economico delle minoranze in Europa secc. XIII-XVIII. Prato 19-23 April 1999 (Florence, 2000),pp. 59-65.
- ‘The Jews of Amsterdam’, in P. van Kessel and E. Schulte (eds.), Rome/Amsterdam: Two Growing Cities in Seventeenth-Century Europe (Amsterdam, 1997), pp. 270-8.
- ‘De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden tot omstreeks 1750 - Demografie en economische activiteit’, in J. C. H. Blom, R. G. Fuks Mansfeld and I. Schöffer (eds.), Geschiedenis van de Joden in Nederland (Amsterdam, 1995), pp. 97-126. New edn. eds. Hans Blom,David Wertheim, Hetty Berg and Bart Wallet (Amsterdam, 2017), pp.98-130.
- ‘Germany and its Jews: a Changing Relationship (1300-1800)’, in R. Po-Chia Hsia and H. Lehmann (eds.), In and Out of the Ghetto: Jewish-Gentile Relations in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 295-304.
- ‘Duarte Nunes da Costa alias Jacob Curiel aus Hamburg (1585-1664)’, in M. Studemund-Halévy (ed.), Die Sefarden in Hamburg: Zur Geschichte einer Minderheit (Hamburg, 1994), pp. 267-90.
- ‘The Jews of Spanish Oran and their Expulsion in 1669’, Mediterranean Historical Review ix (1994), pp. 235-55.
- ‘Lopo Ramirez (David Curiel) and the Attempt to Establish a Sephardi Community in Antwerp in 1653-4’, Studia Rosenthaliana xxviii (1994), pp. 99-119.
- ‘The Sephardi Contribution to Economic Life and Colonization in Europe and the New World (16th-18th Centuries)’, in H. Beinart (ed.), Moreshet Sepherad: The Sephardi Legacy vol. II (Jerusalem, 1992), pp. 365-98.
- ‘The Sephardim in the Netherlands’, in E. Kedourie (ed.), Spain and the Jews: The Sephardi Experience 1492 and After (London, 1992), pp. 189-212.
- ‘Dutch Sephardi Jewry and the Rivalry of European States, 1640-1713’ in Abraham Haim (ed.) Society and Community. Proceedings of the Second International Congress for Research of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish heritage (Jerusalem, 1991), 173-95
- ‘The Role of Sephardi Jews in the European Economy, 1550-1750’, in R. Porter and S. Harel-Hoshen (eds.), Odyssey of the Exiles: The Sephardi Jews, 1492-1992 (Tel Aviv, 1992), pp. 81-90.
- ‘The Dutch Republic and its Jews during the Conflict over the Spanish Succession (1699-1715)’, in J. Michman (ed.), Dutch Jewish History II (Jerusalem, 1989), pp. 117-36.
- ‘Sephardic Immigration into the Dutch Republic’, in Studia Rosenthaliana special issue supplementary to vol. xxiii (1989), pp. 45-53.
- ‘Gregorio Leti (1631-1701) and the Dutch Sephardi Élite at the Close of the Seventeenth Century’, in A. Rapoport-Albert and S. J. Zipperstein (eds.), Jewish History: Essays in Honour of Chimen Abramsky (London, 1988), pp. 267-84.
- 'De aanvang en vroege groei van de Portugees-joodse gemeente van Amsterdam,' Ter Herkenning. Tijdschrift voor Christenen en Joden (The Hague) xvi (1988), pp.129-34.
- ‘Duarte Nunes da Costa of Hamburg, Sephardi Nobleman and Communal Leader, 1585-1664’, Studia Rosenthaliana xxi (1987), pp. 14-34.
- 'Jewish Emancipation in the Western World (1780-1860). What Kind of Enlightenment made it possible?' Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities vol. ix, no. 6, pp. 109-129.
- ‘The Jews of Venice and their Links with Holland and Dutch Jewry (1600-1713)’, in G. Cozzi (ed.), Gli Ebrei e Venezia, secoli XIV-XVIII (Milan, 1987), pp. 95-116.
- ‘Manuel López Pereira of Amsterdam, Antwerp and Madrid: Jew, New Christian and Adviser to the Conde-Duque de Olivares’, Studia Rosenthaliana xix (1985), pp. 109-26.
- ‘The Changing Role of the Dutch Sephardim in International Trade, 1595-1715’, in J. Michman (ed.), Dutch Jewish History I (Jerusalem, 1984), pp. 31-51.
- ‘An Amsterdam Jewish Merchant of the Golden Age: Jeronimo Nunes de Costa (1620-1697)’, Studia Rosenthaliana xviii (1984), pp. 21-40.
- ‘The Economic Contribution of Dutch Sephardi Jewry to Holland’s Golden Age, 1595-1713’, Tijdschrift voor Geshiedenis xcvi (1983), pp. 505-35.
- ‘Central European Jewry during the Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648’, Central European History xvi (1983), pp. 3-30.
- ‘Some Further Data on the Amsterdam Sephardim and their Trade with Spain during the 1650s’, Studia Rosenthaliana xiv (1980), pp. 7-19.
- ‘The Jews of Spanish North Africa, 1600-1669’, Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England xxvi (1979), pp. 71-86.
- ‘Spain and the Dutch Sephardim, 1609-1660’, Studia Rosenthaliana xii (1978), pp. 1-61.
Published Public Lectures
- ‘Por qué Spinoza es un pensador revolucionario, (Lecture given on 21 May 2017 at the Stroum centre for Jewish Studies of the University of Washington, Seattle translated by Pablo Duarte), in Letras Libres, Revista mensual (Mexico City) vol. xxiv (2022) pp. 9-14.
- ‘Spinoza en de revolutie van het denken’, 5e Spinozadag, delivered on 25 November 2012, (Amsterdam, 2012).
- ‘Spinoza, the Radical Enlightenment and the Making of World Peace’, The Hague Peace Lecture 2007, delivered on 21 September 2007, (The Hague, 2008).
- ‘‘Failed Enlightenment’: Spinoza’s Legacy and the Netherlands (1670-1800)’, Fourth KB Lecture, Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague, delivered on 21 June 2007, (Wassenaar, 2007).
- ‘Europe and the Radical Enlightenment. A Typology of Modernity’s Intellectual and Cultural Roots’, The C.Th. Dimaras Annual Lecture in Athens, 2004, published in bi-lingual English-Greek edition (Athens, 2005).
- ‘Bayle, the Enlightenment, and Modern Western Society’, Pierre Bayle Lecture, delivered 2004. Bilingual publications in English and Dutch. Pierre Bayle Stichting (Rotterdam, 2005).
- ‘Monarchy, Orangism, and Republicanism in the Later Dutch Golden Age,’ Second Golden Age Lecture of the University of Amsterdam, delivered on 11 March 2004 (Amsterdam, 2004).
Book and Main Article Translations
- 'Radicale Denkers,' in H. Helmers, G, Janssen and J. Noorman (eds.) De Zeventiende Eeuw (Leiden 2021), 457-75.
- ''Sur la formulation spinozienne des deux concepts fondateurs des Lumières radicales. Dans quelle mesure Spinoza était-t-il redevable au contexte théologico-politique de l'âge d'or de la Hollande?' in Chantal Jaquet, Pierre-François Moreau and P. Sévérac (eds.) Spinoza transatlantique. Les interprétations américaines actuelles (Paris, 2019), 283-305.
- Une révolution des esprits. Les Lumières radicales et les origines intellectuelles de la démocratie moderne, translated by Matthieu Dumont and Jean-Jacques Rosat ‘Préface’ by Jean-Jacques Rosat (Marseille, Agone, 2017)
- 'Enlightenment and Revolution '(Hebrew). (Two) Haifa Lectures in History and Historiography in Memory of Myriam Yardeni, delivered March 2013 (Haifa, 2018)
- La Rivoluzione francese: una Storia intellettuale dai Diritti dell’uomo a Robespierre (Turin, 2016) translated by Palma di Nunno and Marco Nani.
- Democratische Verlichting. Filosofie, revolutie en menschenrechten 1750-1790 (Franeker, 2015) translated by Jan Dirk Snel.
- Una Revolución de la Mente: La Ilustración radical y los orígenes intelectuales de la democracia moderna (Pamplona, 2015), translated by Serafín Senosiáin.
- A Revolução das luzes: O Iluminismo Radical e as origens intelectuais da Democracia Moderna (São Paulo, 2013), translated by Daniel Moreira Miranda.
- O Revoluție a minții: Iluminismul radical și Originile intelectuale ale democrației moderne (Cluj-Napoca, 2012), translated by Veronica Lazăr.
- La Ilustración radical. La filosofía y la construcción de la modernidad, 1650-1750 (Mexico City, 2012), translated by Ana Tamarit.
- Una rivoluzione della mente: L’Illuminismo radicale e le origini intellettuali della democrazia moderna (Torino, 2011), translated by F. Tassini and P. Schenone.
- Verlichting Onder Vuur: Filosofie, moderniteit en emancipatie, 1670-1752 (Franeker, 2010), translated by Ruben Buys.
- Żydzi Europejscy w dobie merkantylizmu, 1550-1750 (Warsaw, 2009), translated by Wojciech Tyszka.
- Iluminismo radical: a filosofia e a construção da modernidade, 1650-1750 (São Paulo, 2009), translated by Claudio Blanc.
- ‘Judeus Sefaradim Neerlandeses, política milenarista e a luta pelo Brasil (1645-1654)’, translated by Fernanda Trindade Luciani and Joao Paulo Marao, in S. Schwartz and W. Myrup (eds.), O Brasil no império marítimo português (Bauru, SP, 2008), pp. 147-178.
- Les Lumières Radicales: La philosophie, Spinoza et la naissance de la modernité (1650-1750) (Paris, 2005), translated by P. Hughes, C. Nordmann and Jérôme Rosenvallon.
- De Joden in Europa, 1550-1750 (Franeker, 2003), translated by Ben G. Buisman.
- Radicale Verlichting: Hoe radicale Nederlandse denkers het gezicht van onze cultuur voorgoed veranderden (Franeker, 2001), translated by E. Krikke.
- La República holandesa y el mundo hispánico, 1606-1661 (Madrid, 1997), translated by Pedro Villena.
- De Republiek, 1477-1806 (2 vols., Franeker, 1996), translated by Bert Smilde.
- La Judería europea en la era del mercantilismo, 1550-1750 (Madrid, 1992), translated by Pepa Linares.
- Gli ebrei d'Europa nell'età moderna, 1550-1750 (Bologna, 1991), translated by Giovanni Arganese.
- Nederland als centrum van de wereldhandel, 1585-1740 (Franeker, 1991), translated by Frank van Meurs.
- Razas, Clases sociales y Vida Política en el México Colonial, 1610-1670 (Mexico City, 1980; repr. 1997), translated by Roberto Gomez Ciriza.
- ‘Un conflicto entre imperios: España y los Países Bajos 1618-1648’, in J. H. Elliott and A. García Sanz (eds.), Poder y sociedad en la España de los Austrias (Barcelona, 1982), pp. 145-97.
- ‘México y la ‘Crisis general’ del siglo XVII’, in Enrique Florescano (ed.), Ensayos sobre el desarrollo económico de México y América Latina (1500-1975) (Mexico City, 1979), pp. 128-53.
Interviews and Magazine Articles
- Les Lumières radicales de Spinoza, une conversation avec Jonathan Israel; La Ilustración radical de Spinoza, una conversación con Jonathan Israel
- ‘A-t-il inventé les Lumières radicales,’ in Les Collections de L’Histoire (Paris) 87 special issue: 'Spinoza' (April/June 2020), pp. 72-6.
- ‘Links kent zijn geschiedenis niet’ : Tamarah Benima interviews Jonathan Israel’ in Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad (NIW) 151 (20 November 2015) , pp. 22-27.
- ‘Éclairer le peuple, une ambition trop vite abandonnée‘, in Marianne, 28 novembre au 4 décembre (2014), pp. 74-75.
- Anthony Gottlieb interviews Jonathan Israel for Five Books, 28 Sept. 2014.
- Philipp Blom interviews Jonathan Israel at the Bruno Kreisky Forum, Vienna, posted 28 September 2014.
- Kenan Malik, ‘Seeing Reason: Jonathan Israel’s radical vision’, interview in Brussels, 21 June 2013 published in New Humanist July/August 2013.
- Kuiper, Yme, and Jacob van Sluis, ‘Jonathan Israel. ‘Gedreven historicus met een missie’, Fryslan. Historisch Tijdschrift 18 (2012), pp. 14-18.
- Lavaert, Sonja, ‘Spinoza’s ongehoorzaamheid. Een gesprek met Jonathan israel’, De Uil van Minerva (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) 25 (2012), pp. 185-6.
- Castaño, A., ‘Donde la autoridad religiosa es fuerte, la sociedad es invariablemente intolerante’, INFOCAMPUS 108 (Ciudad Real, June 2011), pp. 10-12.
- ‘Jonathan Israel and Philipp Blom discuss Radical Enlightenment’ at Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, posted 30 September 2011.
- Kritik af samfundets grundlaeggende vaerdier: Oplysningen og tre stadier i udviklingen af moderne Kritik’, in F. Stjernfelt and L. H. Kjaeldgaard (eds.), Kritik 200 (Copenhagen, 2011), pp. 14-23.
- ‘Les briseurs de dogmes’, in special edition ‘La pensée des Lumières : Les textes fondamentaux’, Le Point Hors-série 26 (Paris, 2010), pp. 11-13.
- Baggini, J., ‘Why philosophers need history’ TMP: the Philosophers Magazine 43.4 (Korea, August 2008), pp. 78-82.
- Beneder, L. and F. Solleveld, ‘Interview met Jonathan Israel. Op geen enkel punt ben ik radicaal van mening veranderd. De Verlichting is Onderschat’, Cimedart 37 #4 (Amsterdam, 2007-2008), pp. 20-23.
- ‘De ideeën van de Verlichting stammen niet uit Frankrijk, maar uit de Republiek’, Historisch Nieuwsblad (June 2007), NR5, pp. 32-36.
- Leemans, Inger, ‘Interview met Jonathan Israel’, in Gedachtevrijheid Versus Godsdienstnrijheid. Een Dilemma van de Verlichting (Nijmegen, 2007), pp. 40-57.
- van der Horst, P., ‘De waardering voor de Radicale Verlichting is weg, dat is gevaarlijk’, De Volkskrant (9 June 2007), p. 5.
- Une guerre civile dans le mouvement des Lumières’, Politis 879 (Paris, December 2005), pp. 18-19.
- Broer, T., ‘Fundamentalisme dreigt overal’, Vrij Nederland 63, no. 15 (13 April 2002), pp. 30-33.
- ‘De Verlichting, de Nederlanders en de toekomst der geschiedenis’, the XVIth Van der Leeuw Lezing (Groningen); co-referent: Nelleke Noordervliet, published by De Volkskrant (October 1998), pp. 11-21.
- Drayer, Elma and Marc Josten, ‘Jonathan Israels verrassende kijk op de Gouden Eeuw’, Vrij Nederland 20 (18 May 1996), pp. 22-24.
- van den Hoven, Birgit and Peer Vries ‘In Gesprek met Jonathan Israel’ in Leidschrift, Historisch Tijdschrift ix (1992), pp. 5-21.
Academic Debates and Interactive Review Essays
- 'An Interview with Jonathan Israel,' The Oxonian Review. By the Editors, 31 January 2021.
- Alexander, James, 'Radical, Sceptical and Liberal Enlightenment,' Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (2020), pp. 257-83.
- Douglas H. Schantz, 'Religion and Spinoza in Jonathan Israel's Interpretation of the Enlightenment,' in August den Hollander et al. (eds.) Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic. Brill's Series in Church History 67 (Leiden, 2019), pp. 208-21
- Eigenauer, J.D., 'A Meta-Analysis of Critiques of Jonathan Israel's Radical Enlightenment', The Historian 81 (2019), pp. 448-71
- Walther, Manfred, 'Spinoza and Radical Enlightenment. Some Remarks on Three of Jonathan Israel's Claims' in Walther, Spinoza in Deutschland, in Spinoza Studien 3 (Heidelberg, 2018), 499-512
- Niekerk,Carl ' 'Introduction: How Radical was the German Enlightenment?' to Carl Niekerk (ed.) The Radical Enlightenment in Germany. A Cultural Persepctive (Leiden, 2018), pp. 1-45
- McCarthy, John A., 'Enlightenment as Process. How Radical is That? On Jonathan Israel's Concept of radicalism', in Niekerk (ed.) Radical Enlightenment in Germany, pp. 47-79
- Stoicea, Gabriela, 'When History Meets Gender: Jonathan Israel, Sophie von La Roche, and the Problem of Gender', in Niekerk (ed.) Radical Enlightenment in Germany, pp. 211-37
- Sakkas, Evangelos, 'Joseph Priestley,on metaphysics and politics: Jonathan Israel's 'Radical Enlightenment' reconsidered', History of European Ideas on-line publication, 2018
- Rosat, Jean-Jacques, "Préface. Prendre les idées au sérieux' in Jonathan Israel, Une révolution des esprits. Les Lumières radicales et les origines intellectuelles de la démocratie moderne (Paris, 2017), pp. vii-xiv.
- ‘Symposium on Jonathan Israel's Democratic Enlightenment: Richard Wolin, ‘Introduction’; Helena Rosenblatt, ‘Rousseau, the “Traditionalist”; Joanna Stalnaker, ‘Jonathan Israel in Dialogue’, in Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016), pp. 615-48.
- García-Alonso, Marta, ‘Jonathan Israel et Carl Schmitt. Révolution philosophique versus contra-révolution théologique’, in Les "Lumières radicales" et le politique - études critiques sur les travaux de Jonathan Israel, éd. Marta García-Alonso (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2017), pp. 355-86.
- Balasz, Peter, ‘Jean-Jacques Rousseau est-il un auteur radical ?’ in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 179-94.
- Bianchi, Lorenzo, ‘Modération non sans tentations radicales : le cas de Montesquieu’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 341-54.
- Devellennes, Charles, ‘D’Holbach radical’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 321-40.
- Henry, Julie, ‘L’Égalitarisme et la rationalité sont-ils des visées radicales et Spinozistes ?’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 27-50.
- Laursen, John Chr., and Whitney Mannies, ‘Diderot and Diez: Complicating the Radical Enlightenment’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 281-302.
- Lomonaco, Fabrizio, ‘Jonathan I. Israel lecteur de Vico’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 103-36.
- Peña, Javier, ‘Lumières radicales et démocratie : quelques remarques’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 303-19.
- Quintili, Paolo, ‘Diderot dans les Lumières radicales, selon J.I. Israel’, in García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 263-80.
- Villaverde Rico, Maria José, ‘L’Abbé Raynal, philosophe radical, d’après Jonathan Israel’, García-Alonso (ed.) Lumières radicales et le politique, pp. 229-61.
- Munck, Thomas, 'The Enlightenment as Modernity: Jonathan Israel's Interpretation Across two Decades', and response by Jonathan Israel, in Reviews in History, website of the Institute for Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London (review no. 2019): DO11: 10.14296/RiH/2014/2019 date accessed, 5 January 2017. Reissued by 'Reviews in History' (review 2039), on line
- Chappey, Jean-Luc and Blanca Missé, 'Une histoire intellectuelle de la Révolution française - Jonathan Israel et les déplacements des radicalités politiques' review article in Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines 29 (2016).
- Engels, Hans ‘Some Constitutional Remarks on Tolerance in the Netherlands in Response to Jonathan Israel’, Groniek. Historisch Tijdschrift 208/9 (2016), pp. 199-202.
- Jacob, Margaret C., ‘Walking the Terrain of History with a Faulty Mapʾ, BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review, Vol. 130-3 (2015), pp. 72-78.
- Gut, Przemyslaw, 'The Legacy of Spinoza. The Enlightenment According to Jonathan Israel,' Diametros. A Journal of Philosophy 40 (2014), pp. 45-72.
- Jonathan Israel, ‘Response’ to Jeremy Popkin in H.France Review vol. 15 (May 2015), no. 67.
- Jonathan Israel, ‘How a Book Reviewer Got my Book Wrong’, HNN History News Network, 20 July 2014.
- ‘The French Revolution: an Exchange (Jonathan Israel and David Bell), The New York Review of Books, 9 October 2014.
- Israel, Jonathan and Lynn Hunt, ‘Was Louis XVI Overthrown by Ideas?’, New Republic, 31 July 2014.
- Israel, Jonathan I., ‘A Reply to Four Critics’ (replies to J. K. Wright, C. Armenteros, H. Chisick, and K. M. Baker) in H-France Forum volume 9, issue 1 (Winter 2014), pp. 77-97.
- Grunert, Frank (ed.), Concepts of (Radical) Enlightenment. Jonathan Israel in Discussion. IZEA Kleine Schriften, 5/2014 (Halle, 2014).
- Jeppesen, Morten Haugaard, Frederik Stjernfelt, and Mikkel Thorup (eds.), ‘Jonathan Israel’, in Intellectual History: Five Questions (Copenhagen, 2013), pp. 79-82.
- De Dijn, Annelien, ‘The Politics of Enlightenment from Peter Gay to Jonathan Israel’, The Historical Journal 55 (2012), pp. 785-805.
- Edelstein, Dan, ‘A Response to Jonathan Israel’, in Kate Tunstall (ed.), Self-Evident Truths? Human Rights and the Enlightenment. The Oxford Amnesty Lectures (London, 2012), pp. 127-35.
- Zedelmaier, Helmut, ‘Ideen, Kontext, Kultur. Dreimal Aufklärung der Aufklärungʾ, Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Vol. 37 (2010), No. 1, pp. 99-109.
- Van Bunge, Wiep, ‘Radical Enlightenment: A Dutch Perspective’ in Wiep van Bunge, Essays on Spinoza, Spinozism and Spinoza Scholarship (Leiden, 2012), pp. 189-209 [for a more extended version of this discussion, in Dutch, see Wiep van Bunge, De Nederlandse Republiek, Spinoza en de Radicale Verlichting (Brussels, 2010)].
- Ruderman, David, ‘Jonathan Israel’s Interpretation of Early Modern Jewish Culture’, in David B. Ruderman, Early Modern Jewry. A New Cultural History (Princeton, 2010), pp. 207-16.
- Israel, Jonathan ‘What Samuel Moyn got wrong in his Nation Article’; Samuel Moyn, ‘A Response to Jonathan Israel’, in HNN History News Network, 27 June 2010.
- Israel, Jonathan I., ‘Toleration, Spinoza’s ‘Realism’ and Patriot Modernity: Replying to van Eijnatten, van Bunge and Velema,’ De Achttiende Eeuw xli (2009), pp. 117-166.
- Van Bunge, Wiep, ‘The Modernity of Radical Enlightenment’, De Achttiende Eeuw xli (2009), pp. 137-43.
- Van Eijnatten, Joris, ‘What if Spinoza never happened?’, De Achttiende Eeuw xli (2009), pp. 144-49.
- Velema, Wyger, ‘Jonathan Israel and Dutch Patriotism’, De Achttiende Eeuw xli (2009), pp. 150-8.
- Cliteur, Paul and Geoff Gordon, ‘The Enlightenment in Contemporary Debate Cultural Debate’, in Bart Labuschayne and R. Sonnenschmidt (eds.) Religion, Politics and Law. Philosophical reflections on the Sources of Normative Order in Society (Leiden, 2009), pp. 311-31.
- Mondot, Jean and Cécile Révauger (eds.), ‘Margaret Jacob and Jonathan Israel debate the Notion of Radical Enlightenment’, ‘Introduction’ and ‘Interviews croisées’ in Lumières radicales, radicalisme des Lumières in Lumières 13 (2009), pp. 7-34, 163-85.
- Lilti, Antoine, ‘Comment écrit-on l’histoire intellectuelle des Lumières ? Spinozisme, Radicalisme et philosophie’, Annales lxiv (2009), pp. 171-206.
- La Vopa, Anthony J., ‘A New Intellectual History? Jonathan Israel’s Enlightenment’, The Historical Journal lii (2009), pp. 717-738.
- Chisick, Harvey, ‘Interpreting the Enlightenment’, The European Legacy xiii (2008), pp. 35-57.
- Chisick, Harvey, ‘Looking for Enlightenment’, History of European Ideas xxxiv (2008), pp. 570-82.
- Leo, Russ, ‘Caute: Jonathan Israel’s Secular Modernity’, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory ix (2008), pp. 76-83.
- Leemans, Inger, ‘‘The Rise of Jonathan Israel’, of de ontvangst van een Engelse onderzoeker in de Nederlanden’, Gedachtevrijheid Versus Godsdienstvrijheid, pp. 7-20.
- Stuurman, Siep, ‘Verlichting en tolerantie’ in Gedachtevrijheid versus godsdienstvrijheid, pp. 58-69.
- McMahon, D. M., ‘What are Enlightenments?’, Modern Intellectual History iv (2007), pp. 601-616.
- Walther, Manfred, ‘Spinoza et les Lumières radicales: quelques observations à propos de trois thèses de Jonathan Israel’ in Secrètan, Dagron et Bove (eds.) Qu’est-ce que les Lumières radicales, pp. 299-308.
- Van Ruler, Han, Review of Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670-1752 (Oxford, 2006), Ars Disputandi vii (2007).
- Israel, Jonathan I., ‘Replying to Hanco Jürgens’, De Achttiende Eeuw xxxix (Nijmegen, 2007), pp. 61-71.
- Hanco Jürgens, ‘Contesting Enlightenment Contested. Some questions and remarks for Jonathan Israel,’ De Achttiende Eeuw xxxix (Nijmegen, 2007), pp. 52-60.
- Verbeek, Theo, ‘Spinoza on Natural Rights’, Intellectual History Review xvii (2007), pp. 257-75.
- Casini, Paulo, ‘Spinoza, il materialismo e I radicali liberi’, Rivista di filosofia xcvii (2006), pp. 387-408.
- Hell, M. and A. Willemsen, ‘Jonathan Israel over Holland’, Holland xxxvi (2004), pp. 106-113.
- Wachtel, N., Review article on Diasporas within a Diaspora. Jews, crypto-Jews and the world of maritime empires (1540-1740) (Leiden, 2002), Annales lxi (2006), pp. 419-427.
- Ricuperati, G., ‘In Margine al Radical Enlightenment di Jonathan I. Israel’, Rivista Storica Italiana 115.1 (2003), pp. 285-329.
- Tarantino, G., Review of Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2001), in Cromohs. Cyber Review of Modern Historiography (2003).
- Stuurman, Siep, ‘Pathways to the Enlightenment. From Paul Hazard to Jonathan Israel’, History Workshop Journal liv (2002), pp. 227-235.
- Frijhoff, Willem, ‘Vaderland en vrijheid: bewondering en twijfel’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 115 (2000), pp. 244-251.
- Snel, Jan Dirk, 'Israels Nederland, 'Orde en vrijheid in een gereformeerde radenrepubliek,' in Wapenveld [Weapon Field Magazine: About Faith and Culture] 46, (1996), 119-27.
- Gibbs, Graham, electronic review article on The Dutch Republic. Its Rise, Greatness and Fall, 1477-1806 in Institute of Historical Research (London), Reviews in History no 30 (June 1997).
- ‘Leids Historisch Dispuut Robert Fruin: Het Hollandse Wonder: Handel en politiek in de Zeventiende Eeuw’, Leidschrift: Historisch Tijdschrift ix (September 1992).
- Van Zanden, J. L., ‘Een fraaie synthese op een wankele basis’, Discussie over J.I. Israel, Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740 (Oxford, 1989), Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden iii (1991), pp. 451-457.
- Ruderman, David B., Review Essay of Jonathan Israel, European Jewry In the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750 , Jewish Quarterly Review, lxxviii (1987), pp. 154-59.