Physics Group Meeting

Singularity Resolution by M-Theory Fivebranes - Calibrated Geometry, AdS Solutions and Special Holonomy Metrics

I will discuss the supergravity description of various configurations of supersymmetric M-fivebranes wrapped on calibrated cycles of special holonomy manifolds. For known examples of Anti-de Sitter near-horizon limit solutions, I will construct a candidate for the associated special holonomy metric. One explicit Anti-de Sitter solution of M-theory is so treated for fivebranes wrapping each of the following cycles: K\"{a}hler cycles in Calabi-Yau two-, three- and four-folds; special lagrangian cycles in three- and four-folds; associative three- and co-associative four-cycles in $G_2$ manifolds; complex lagrangian four-cycles in $Sp(2)$ manifolds; and Cayley four-cycles in $Spin(7)$ manifolds. In each case, the associated special holonomy metric is singular where an appropriate calibrated cycle degenerates, and is a hyperbolic analogue of a known metric. The analogous known metrics are respectively: Eguchi-Hanson, the resolved conifold and the four-fold resolved conifold; the deformed conifold, and the Stenzel four-fold metric; the Bryant-Salamon-Gibbons-Page-Pope $G_2$ metrics on an $\mathbb{R}^4$ bundle over $S^3$, and an $\mathbb{R}^3$ bundle over $S^4$ or $\mathbb{CP}^2$; the Calabi hyper-K\"{a}hler metric on $T^*\mathbb{CP}^2$; and the Bryant-Salamon-Gibbons-Page-Pope $Spin(7)$ metric on an $\mathbb{R}^4$ bundle over $S^4$.

Date & Time

November 07, 2007 | 1:30pm


Bloomberg Hall Physics Library


Oisin Mac Conamhna


Imperial College London

Event Series

