Physics Group Meeting
Information Geometry and Machine Learning as Tools for Phenomenology
I will discuss particle physics phenomenology from the point of view of statistical inference.
I will describe how the concept of information geometry can be used to equip the parameter space of a theory with a metric.
The central object in this construction is a likelihood function, which is typically intractable once non-perturbative and experimental effects are incorporated.
I will then describe how machine learning can be used to effectively approximate these intractable likelihoods in realistic settings. If time allows I will discuss extensions of these ideas in the context of jet physics and lattice QCD.
Suggested Reading:Better Higgs boson measurements through information geometry arXiv:1612.05261Constraining Effective Field Theories with Machine Learning arXiv:1805.00013 (short PRL)arXiv:1805.00020 (long PRD)QCD-Aware Recursive Neural Networks for Jet Physics a Framework for Unsupervised Machine Learning in Particle Physics learning action parameters in lattice quantum chromodynamics
I will describe how the concept of information geometry can be used to equip the parameter space of a theory with a metric.
The central object in this construction is a likelihood function, which is typically intractable once non-perturbative and experimental effects are incorporated.
I will then describe how machine learning can be used to effectively approximate these intractable likelihoods in realistic settings. If time allows I will discuss extensions of these ideas in the context of jet physics and lattice QCD.
Suggested Reading:Better Higgs boson measurements through information geometry arXiv:1612.05261Constraining Effective Field Theories with Machine Learning arXiv:1805.00013 (short PRL)arXiv:1805.00020 (long PRD)QCD-Aware Recursive Neural Networks for Jet Physics a Framework for Unsupervised Machine Learning in Particle Physics learning action parameters in lattice quantum chromodynamics
Date & Time
October 24, 2018 | 1:45pm – 2:45pm
Bloomberg Hall Physics LibrarySpeakers
Junior Visiting Professor, School of Natural Sciences; Professor, New York University