Physics Group Meeting


The topic of this seminar is the simplification of strongly interacting quantum
field theory at large J, where J is the quantum number of a state
under some symmetry group such as angular momentum or a global charge. As an example, I will review recent work on the simplification of the worldsheet theory of the QCD string at large angular momentum. In particular we calculate, from first principles, the first sub-leading large J correction to the linear Regge spectrum of the mass-squared of a hadron as a function of spin J, in planar QCD with bosonic quarks. We also discuss work in progress in which we have applied our larger theory of large-J perturbativity to more general problems in quantum field theory, such as the operator spectrum of strongly coupled fixed points in three dimensions.

Date & Time

February 25, 2015 | 1:30pm – 3:00pm


Bloomberg Hall Physics Library


Kavli IPMU

Event Series

