High Energy Theory Seminar

The Conformal Bootstrap in the Regge Limit

The analytic bootstrap has revealed universal constraints and structures in higher dimensional CFTs which relate causality, positive energy conditions, and large spin subsectors of the theory. I will present recent work extending the study of the bootstrap equations to the Regge limit for large N CFTs. Using both the chaos bound and crossing symmetry, I will present new constraints on anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients of double trace states and the couplings of operators to the leading Regge trajectory. Using AdS/CFT, these bounds come from requiring bulk causality and unitarity. Finally, I will show how solving the crossing equations in the Regge limit leads naturally to the construction of AdS exchange diagrams.

Date & Time

April 14, 2017 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


David Meltzer


Yale University
