High Energy Theory Seminar

Branes and 2d (0,2) Gauge Theories

Engineering quantum field theories in String Theory in terms of branes is a powerful approach for understanding their dynamics. In this talk, I will present recent progress in the realization of 2d N=(0,2) gauge theories in terms of branes. I will discuss Brane Brick Models, a novel type of Type IIA brane configurations consisting of D4-branes ending on an NS5-brane. Brane Brick Models are T-dual to D1-branes over singular toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds. They fully encode the infinite class of 2d (0,2) quiver gauge theories on the worldvolume of the D1-branes and substantially streamline their connection to the probed geometries. As an application, I will explain how these constructions provide a brane realization of

Date & Time

April 08, 2016 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Jadwin Hall, Room A06


Sebastian Franco


