High Energy Theory Seminar

Lattice QCD Thermodynamics

Four sets of results in lattice QCD thermodynamics matured to a well-established status in recent years: the nature of the transition, the transition temperature, the equation of state and various fluctuations. This means, that all systematic uncertainties have either been eliminated or are kept under control. The computations use physical values for the quark masses, a continuum extrapolation is carried out from upto five different lattice spacings and different physical volumes are used to control the finite size error. These results will be discussed in detail and a direct link to experiments will be also presented.

Date & Time

May 08, 2015 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Seminar Room


Zolton Fodor


University of Wuppertal, Eotvos University and Forschungszentrum Juelich

