High Energy Theory Seminar

Holographic Fermi Surfaces from Top-down Constructions

While it has been known for some time that charged black branes give rise to Fermi surfaces in AdS/CFT, only recently have enough supergravity calculations been done to start asking systematically when Fermi surfaces occur for the best understood field theories, namely N=4 super-Yang-Mills and ABJM theory. I will summarize the qualitative features of holographic Fermi surfaces, explain the relevant supergravity calculations, and present a "boson rule" and a "fermion rule" which are first steps toward understanding what's going on in the strongly coupled field theory duals.

Date & Time

February 13, 2015 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Seminar Room


Steve Gubser


Princeton University

