High Energy Theory Seminar

Microstate Geometries: Where the most Semi-classical Bodies are Buried

Microstate geometries are smooth horizonless geometries with the same boundary conditions as a black hole. I review what is currently known about the extensive families of such BPS geometries, how they resolve black-hole singularities and how they represent states of BPS black holes in the "typical sector." I also discuss the phenomenon of "entropy enhancement" for fluctuating geometries and describe possible new families of fluctuating BPS microstate geometries. I will also outline recent progress on microstate geometries from non-BPS, extremal black holes.

Date & Time

November 08, 2010 | 4:00pm – 6:30pm


PCTS Seminar Room


Nick Warner


University of Southern California



Time changed due to Math Seminar at IAS by Prof. Atiyah
