High Energy Theory Seminar

Yet Another Dual Description for N=1 SQCD

N=1 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory with 4 flavors has not only the usual Seiberg dual description, but also the Intriligator-Pouliot dual as an Sp(1) gauge theory, and yet another one found by Csaki, Schmaltz, Skiba and Terning (CSST). We show that the dual description of CSST can be generalized to SU(N) gauge theory with 2N flavors, by using non-Lagrangian theories. This talk is based on a collaboration with A. Gadde, K. Maruyoshi and W. Yan.

Date & Time

March 15, 2013 | 1:30pm – 3:30pm


Bloomberg Lecture Hall


Kavli Institute for the Physcs and Mathematics of the Universe

