High Energy Theory Seminar

Evidences for D(G,s) Theories

In the past three years some aspects of the duality in between representation theory of associative algebras and N=2 supersymmetric theories in four dimensions have proven to be crucial for understanding the so-called BPS-quiver theories. Very recently, as a natural consequence of the 2d/4d correspondence combined with the aforementioned duality, evidences for the existence of infinitely many N=2 superconformal field theories have been found: For each simple simply-laced Lie group G, there exists an infinite tower of N=2 SCFT's having (at least) flavor group G. These theories are labeled D(G,s), where s is a positive integer. In the talk, after a review of the formalism, I will discuss such evidences, and explain some of the basic properties of these N=2 superconformal models.

Date & Time

November 09, 2012 | 1:30pm – 3:00pm


Bloomberg Lecture Hall


Michele Del Zotto



