Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


Princeton University Astrophysical Sciences 2024 Spitzer Lecturer

Star Formation, Stellar Mass, and Black Hole Growth in the First Billion Years
Brant Robertson
1:00pm|Peyton Hall, Peyton Auditorium

JWST has the powerful new capability to both measure the structural and stellar population properties of distant galaxies through deep near-infrared imaging and probe emission lines and continuum spectroscopically. The combination of these probes...


Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

Physics Potential at a future Muon Collider
Cari Cesarotti
4:00pm|Jadwin Hall, Joe Henry Room

Abstract: A clear outcome of Snowmass 2021 and now the US P5 report was the community support for R&D towards a future muon collider. In this talk we will discuss the general physics program that becomes available to the community during the...


IAS Quantum Aspects of Black Holes Group Meeting

The Additivity Anomaly in Holographic CFTs
Sam Leutheusser
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Physics Library

Abstract: I will discuss consequences of the loss of the “additivity” property of QFT in the large N limit of Holographic CFTs. I will demonstrate how the additivity anomaly underlies the success of quantum error correcting code models of holography...


Princeton University Astrophysical Sciences 2024 Spitzer Lecturer

The Past, Present, and Future of the Deep Universe
Brant Robertson
11:00am|Peyton Hall, Peyton Auditorium

Results from JWST have challenged our prior views of galaxy formation and supermassive black hole growth at the earliest cosmic epochs. Our knowledge of the distant universe has evolved rapidly over the last two years of science operations, and...


Princeton University Donald R. Hamilton Colloquium Series

Fracture insights into earthquake behavior
Camilla Cattania
4:00pm|** Special Location: Room 407 Jadwin Hall**

Abstract: Earthquakes exhibit complex behavior at all scales, from the evolution of slip during a single rupture lasting seconds to minutes, to the statistics of regional seismicity over years or centuries. The origin of complexity in fault behavior...


Joint PU/IAS Number Theory

Derived Hecke Action For Weight One Modular Forms Via Classicality
Gyujin Oh
4:30pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access

It is known that a p-adic family of modular forms does not necessarily specialize into a classical modular form at weight one, unlike the modular forms of weight 2 or higher. We will explain how this obstruction to classicality leads to a "derived"...


Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar

Invariant Sets and Hyperbolic Periodic Orbits
Viktor Ginzburg
9:15am|Remote Access

The presence of hyperbolic periodic orbits or invariant sets often has an affect on the global behavior of a dynamical system. In this talk we discuss two theorems along the lines of this phenomenon, extending some properties of Hamiltonian...