Princeton University Thunch Talk

The empirical TRINITY model of galaxy--supermassive black hole connection: What can we learn from JWST and NANOGrav?

JWST has found many more supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at z>4 than we expected. In addition, some of these SMBHs show spectacular properties, such as their masses given their redshifts and host galaxy masses. Nonetheless, it is difficult to reconstruct their evolution histories and draw connections between these high-z SMBHs and lower redshift analogs. In this talk, I will present TRINITY, a new data-driven model to reconstruct SMBH growth histories in different galaxies from z=0-10. Based on my predicted galaxy—SMBH connection, I will show how different observed SMBH populations across cosmic time are connected with each other. In addition, I will show some preliminary results of incorporating gravitational wave background (GWB) detections to constrain TRINITY, and discuss the potential of multi-messenger constraints on empirical models of galaxy—SMBH connection.

Date & Time

September 26, 2024 | 12:00pm – 1:15pm


Princeton University, Peyton Hall, Grand Central


Haowen Zhang, University of Arizona