Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


Princeton University Galread [Galactic/Extragalactic Reading Group]

Topic 1: The Supersonic Project: Lighting Up the Faint End of the JWST UV Luminosity Function Topic 2: Star clusters in the semi-analytical galaxy formation model "L-Galaxies"
Claire Williams (UCLA) and Nils Hoyer (MPIA)
11:00am|Zoom and Peyton Hall, Grand Central

Each week, we hold a relatively informal seminar/discussion series with an emphasis on extra-galactic and large-scale structure astrophysics.

During Galread a leader/visitor presents a recent paper to the discussion group. The PDF of the paper is...


Princeton University Extrasolar Planet Discussion Group

From Wobbles to Worlds: Exploring the Orbital Landscape of Exoplanet TTVs
Daniel Yahalomi (Columbia)
12:00pm|Zoom and Peyton Dome Rm, Princeton University

Transit timing variations (TTVs) are ubiquitous in exoplanet transit datasets, with Kepler alone containing ~2,000 periodic TTVs. However, these TTVs are often ambiguous from a model selection perspective, as it is difficult to determine the...


Princeton University Gravity Initiative Seminar Series

Forming Truncated Accretion Disks
Gibwa Musoke
12:30pm|Princeton University, Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor

Abstract: Black hole X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei transition through a series of accretion states in a well-defined order. During a state transition, the accretion flow changes from a hot geometrically thick accretion flow, emitting a...


Princeton Center for Heliophysics Seminar

Looking at Plasma Turbulence Through a Microscope: Peering into the Smallest Scales of the Turbulent Cascade with Magnetospheric Multiscale and Beyond
Julia Stawarz
2:00pm|Virtual Meeting

Plasmas throughout the Universe are filled with complex, highly nonlinear turbulent fluctuations that transfer energy from the large driving scales down to the smallest scales where energy can be most efficiently dissipated. In the absence of...


Princeton University Thunch Talk

Intracluster Light in the Core of z~2 Galaxy Proto-clusters
Stephane Werner (Durham University)
12:00pm|Peyton Hall, Grand Central

Intracluster light is thought to originate from stars that were ripped away from their parent galaxies by gravitational tides and galaxy interactions during the build up of the cluster. The stars from such interactions will accumulate over time, so...